Rape - Insecticide spraying is starting

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Field Bee
Jun 22, 2012
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Just had a call from one of our farmers to say he starts spraying insecticide on the rape fields on Monday, weather permitting.
They spray mornings and evenings, avoiding the heat of the day.

Might be worth checking if you have hives on or near rape.

We will be closing up the hives whilst this goes on.
I don't close mine up too much faffing about. I just leave them to get on and leave the farmer to get on with his spraying
I don't close mine up too much faffing about. I just leave them to get on and leave the farmer to get on with his spraying

Same here, the farmers let (one is a beekeeper anyway) me know when & what they are spraying. He sprays at dusk anyway & if bees are near the crop he does the last turn by the bees after dark, no problems so far (touch wood)
mmmm, worrying subject for me at the moment.
I asked the farmer last year to inform myself if he is going to spray so as I can close them in beforehand.
I went to check my hive yesterday afternoon and was greeted by the farmer spraying his corn which my hives are set alongside this field.
Just waiting now to see what happens to them, the majority of which were inside the
hive , I dont know weather he was spraying fertilizer of insecticide but it was a mist coming from the unit.
I live in a 100% OSR area at present, OSR on all sides (again this year! although earlier than last year, I think Winter Rape failed last year - it was June last year it was out!) (360 degrees), nearest is 3m from my hive (in my garden!) - I would not know what farmers to contact and ask, as the fields are all owned by different farmers.

Spray has blown into my garden before now, because I've been able to taste it in the air!

We also have an allotment site, in the middle on four sides, by fields, and the spray can be tasted on the site!

I just hope it's "bee friendly"....

Despite us all trying to grow "organically!"
I don't think any pesticide is "bee friendly" in the way you mean einstein.
The only "friendly" thing about them is being applied in such a way so as to minimise bee contact. This was always the worst aspect of the BBKA endorsement saga a few years ago - farmers believed they were bee-friendly so were less likely to worry about applying them safely.
farmers can spray anytime of the day they want. most of them are good and spray rape early or late in the day.. but if they get hassle from beekeepers there more than likely to spray anytime.. I am afraid we have just got to live with it
Ok, its a sad affair we have to live with it .
But the bees are the ones that suffer (They must have feelings too).
Ok, its a sad affair we have to live with it .
But the bees are the ones that suffer (They must have feelings too).

Some advise here The Wildlife Incident Investigation Scheme (WIIS) on Fera site
They're not happy unless they are spraying something over this land are they? I sometimes suspect they go round spraying water just to make themselves feel good or to keep up with the farmer next door.
Sometimes it's not the farmer's fault. I have vines around my hives and the farmers are obliged BY LAW to spray a particular (nasty) pesticide twice a year. A farmer was actually taken to court as he refused to spray (he wanted to be organic and was convinced the pesticide wasn't solving the problem anyway). He eventually had to back down and spray or face a hefty penalty (and probably have to spray anyway).
I dont know weather he was spraying fertilizer of insecticide but it was a mist coming from the unit.

Most probably fungicide, last fertilizer application most likely be on. Herbicide usually is a seedbed treatment pre or post emergence. Insecticide not yet unless your crops are a lot further forward than ours, also no talk of any problems as yet, maybe if we get some warm weather. Nice day yesterday though, 1st of many I hope. To bring the osr into full flower & keep the bees happy.