We have just dealt with the business of freely giving out member details at recent committee meetings by looking into relevant sections of the Data Protection Act (membership list distributed to committee as a file and previously to members as a paper copy).
This year NO list was given to members until the membership form is updated prior to 2013 renewals. We found ourselves in the situation where the then acting RBI was asking the then SBI (member of our association and then also a committee member) for a copy of the membership list so he could add the non-signees to Beebase. The answer was correctly a no. However if members want to meet other locals etc something can be put simply in the newsletter.
The new membership form will opt the membership into a circulation list for members, to Beebase and something else that escapes me at this unearthly hour.
Another nearby association refuses a list as they are convinced it provides a cheap route for hive thieves. We find that only c10% of our members give their apiary whereabouts on membership forms (which is understandable perhaps but renders the role of our spray co-ordinator a bit pointless).
And emails are always bcc except the committee.