question for all you wood nibblers

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One very good timber I can recommend is Beena tree.

One of the finest timbers you can get,as long as it's well seasoned.
ok i am starting to get worried here . since no one in this thread actual buys timber by the fact no one knows what it costs,

does this mean that you run around woods in the middle of the night dressed as 6 foot beavers with chain saws pinching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can just see the the police report,

"whilst going about our duties we found men dressed as squirels, and holding chainsaws, at first we thought it was the local rotary club going eco untill we found a lorry being loaded with contriband timber, we also found a false forestry council stamps in the vehical to. they are being charged with damaging the chief constables front garden and standing on mrs chief constables daffadils with intent":smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:

sorry but i know haave a picture of hive maker that will never change
One very good timber I can recommend is Beena tree.

One of the finest timbers you can get,as long as it's well seasoned.

This is so true HM have worked with it many times.

Once worked in it exclusively at a company and all the clients were from the US so every now and again we got on a plain and spent a few weeks in New York finishing the contract. The best thing was they paid plenty and the timber was easy to get and not that expensive.
I have always understood the window sill to be the board on the inside, but accept that it might equally be applied to the interior or exterior sill, or ledge.

Ask your wife if she knows exactly what is on the kitchen window sill. She will probably tell you about plants, soap, utensils etc.

Some may refer to it as the window ledge. Most people wouldn't refer to putting a potted plant on the window board. I accept that the exterior projection is also a sill, flat stone or board etc.

Does anyone use meranti these days. When I was a lad it was a cheap wood, but then I was in Kuala Lumpur at the time, so that may have had some influence on matters.

I think Pete, that I look at the price of an 8ft x 4ft sheet of 18mm plywood, look at the price; £26 or £54 and then decide what one I'm willing to shell out for.Hell hasn't frozen over yet and neither have I sprung for the £54 option.

Back in the day when the baked bean wars were on in the supermarkets, I was happy to eat 3p beans, possibly packed by Heinz. They couldn't reduce the price of their 64p beans as that would have devalued the brand in the eyes of the public. Today my 3p beans cost 29p or so. I know the difference in the taste of cheap beans and Heinz beans, but I also know the difference between 3p and 64p and being the sole bean eater in the household I make a pragmatic choice and don't contribute to obscene profiteering on this one particular item at least. Probably get fleeced for most of the shopping though.
i made a massive cock up once with ply wood

i went to birmingham board with a friend he had never heard of them i only delalt with them over the phone for work, we wanted ten sheets of marine ply so he can build a small plywood boat project.

piled into the front office saw my rep sat down and uttered the most stupid words going "we want ten sheets of 1/2 marine ply please how much"

ok what size?
1/2 inch

er no, ply comes in any size from 4 foot sqaure to 12 foot by 5?
er, half inch

ok do you want it to be to a lloyds standard?.
no, we will pay cash

what sort of wood do you want it made from and what is the surface finish required?
tree wood and we will paint it when we get home

and so on. we were then told including the different sizes he had well over a thousand differant types of ply at hand.

still looking completely bank we were told to get in the van and wait while he sorted some thing cheap out for us!!!!!!!!!!!

ten sheets £26 EACH HAPPY WE LEFT

and another thing whats with this 4ths dribble, one of my plans was asking to 7/4 and 12/4ths timber. i had to google it to find out what it ment, its bad enough when the old chippy we have at work confusses the day lights out of the apprentices by talking old english and not french let alone three daughters
Does anyone use meranti these days. When I was a lad it was a cheap wood, but then I was in Kuala Lumpur at the time, so that may have had some influence on matters.


I think it is still around very popular at one time along with Luan both that brown looking sort of Mahogany timber if you got a good bit then it was ok but in my opinion not that great. People loved it as they could sell hardwood window frames from the stuff but for me a good joinery well selected pine was better.

The common brown Mahogany type wood that is a good for general joinery is Sapele.

Remember the doors how we loved them at one time.
ok i am starting to get worried here . since no one in this thread actual buys timber by the fact no one knows what it costs,

does this mean that you run around woods in the middle of the night dressed as 6 foot beavers with chain saws pinching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You find a company that use Cedar and get free offcuts or make friends with local Forestry commision guys/tree fellers and slab it yourself from the round.
you get arrested for chopping trees down in victoria park around here.

but saying that i could see a suddend surplus of horse chestnut timber soon in brum, with tthe ammount i have seen die last year.

when i used to live in shipston, i used to know a fantastic guy called ray who ran one of the smallest saw mills i have ever seen. the timber you could get off him for a few quid was amazing, since we only needed small stock he would let a few loonies turn up on saturday and go through the scappings pile and we could use his small!!!! bench saw to cut out what ever we found, i brought home to my father 30 burr elm blocks for his wood lathe once the biggest was about 9 inch sqaure and 3 inch thick all were green but for £20 well worth the money.

it was a bad day when he retired as his muppet sons took over and saturdays soon stopped ray reconded he would make £200 for scrap wood some days and all he had to do was drink tea!!
Have you thought of going to a demolition yard, good well seasoned timber, if you can get it cut to a usable size get a perlin 4''x12'', 12"x12" timber was imported in to the country in huge lengths, the only timber available in those sizes was douglas fir, clear to better, old floor joists were grade tested so would be a good choice.
Regards your glass crown board, if you are having bee space both sides dry bed the glass, bee space one side use high modules silicon it will make the frame stronger.
1m x 1m x 1m would give you 40 x 50mm x 50mm x 1m
Cost ??

i would never ever buy timber from a scrap or reclamation yard as they charge even more than jewsons do because its got charicture or " old charm".


i just cant belive that all you would nibblers out there have a phobia about telling people the prices they pay, all i wanted was a rough idea of what decent timber costs. i shall go against the whole of the timber nibblers creed tommorrow and publish wood prices. lol
What all of them another mammoth hp post, better oil the keyboard lol
i just cant belive that all you would nibblers out there have a phobia about telling people the prices they pay

Currently £600 total, for twenty tons,often a couple of tons more,of good quality timber.
The Chinese are exporting stuff on pallets of a size that the reclaiming companies don't want ?
The boards are 5'x5"x 1 / 1/2". Judging by the grain, the timber is quick grown but I'm baffled as to what variety of tree it's from . Knot free and quite hard/strong.

John Wilkinson

Heavea braziliensis................ Rubber probably,

however I did some time back in the last century source some Hickory... Harley Davidson were making crates out of it to ship their old nails in!!!
nice straight grain, hard, made some ekes from it that I still use, and a bonus, the dust makes a super smoker fuel.. for smoking trout!! [not bees!!!]
Hivemaker - Is your 20 tons+ "in the round" with the bark still on?:biggrinjester:

I friend of mine is building a timber framed house in green oak. He has invested in a mobile horizontal band saw. It can handle logs up to 75cm in diameter and up to 5m long and is powered by a Kohler petrol engine. I was telling him of your system using a chain saw and jig, his comment was that his blade is only 3mm thick and therefore wastes less wood than a chainsaw cut. Have you come across this bit of machine porn?

Regards Mike

PS 3 posts 150mm x 150mm x 2.5 meters and 6 lengths of 150mm x 75mm x 3meters in green oak cost me £45 delivered. :party:
Hi Mike...yes thats in the round..saw logs.

Don't use a chainsaw for planking,only for breaking down very big logs,and felling. The logs are milled with our big bandsaw...any length as extensions can be used,and up to three feet in diameter. Yes blade also only 3mm thick ,so not much sawdust waste and saws very fast.
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As regards to reclaimed timber it is cheaper than new and in some cases old imperial sizes, it is fully dry (unlike new) and straight, new timber is kiln dryed so all of the goodness is taken out, it was only suggestion, regarding prices do you want DIY/trade, north/midlands/south, hard/soft, local/import, small/large quantities.
Hope this helps


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