But possibly based on the fact they have a strong early build-up, and take people by surprise. It was interesting in the series of videos on german skep beekeeping that was on here a while back- their method depended on every hive swarming every year, and they had always had Amm. they had to stop when the area went over to carniolan, as they weren't swarmy enough.
Started with Carnies which I was advised were good for new beeks and found that although gentle took me by surprise and swarmed many many times. I wouldn't recommend for new beekeepers as they need looking at very carefully or they will be off........nice way to increase stock numbers though
On advice of a local black bee guru I tried AMM. When at full speed they stung everything and everyone at the first opportunity. Might be someone's idea of keeping bees but not mine!
Did some research and tried a few highly recommended Buckfast. These I have now and despite what some beeks have found the 3rd and 4th generations have not produced bad queens.
Just my experience and I am sure others will have had similar or indeed very different outcomes
PS the queen in Pic looks like a carnie to me but they do vary