Psy - gangnam style m/v

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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
Finland, Helsinki
Hive Type
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Here is some more in close up:


Not my taste but cheering to see an old fat man making money!
Is this better

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Next generation is ready

7 y old artist. He has been allready in Singapore, Los Angeles and in many other places.

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Estonia was under Soviet Union governement over 20 years ago. People have not opportunity to protest for their nationality but they collected together to sing in chorus.

It is said now that Estonian people song themselves independent. Estonia has 1,3 million people of which 1/3 are Russian origin.

WIKI The Estonian Song Festival (In Estonian: Laulupidu) is one of the largest amateur choral events in the world, a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It is held every five years in July on the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds (Lauluväljak).[1]

The joint choir has usually comprised 25,000 singers[1] while in 2009, there were more than 30,000 participants[2] performing to an audience of 80,000.[3]


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I do like gangnam style and the silly dance although I won't admit to doing Christmas time. I can remember my parents telling me the music I listened to was just aloud noise just like I tell my daughter lol,

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