Psy - gangnam style m/v

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Great stuff - thanks for the link.

Did you notice how clean that railway station was ... makes ours look a bit naff.

Great stuff - thanks for the link.

Did you notice how clean that railway station was ... makes ours look a bit naff.


Do a goggle "images" search for Russian underground stations.

They make Buckingham Palace look like a council house..
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Estonia was under Soviet Union governement over 20 years ago. People have not opportunity to protest for their nationality but they collected together to sing in chorus.

It is said now that Estonian people song themselves independent. Estonia has 1,3 million people of which 1/3 are Russian origin.

WIKI The Estonian Song Festival (In Estonian: Laulupidu) is one of the largest amateur choral events in the world, a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. It is held every five years in July on the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds (Lauluväljak).[1]

The joint choir has usually comprised 25,000 singers[1] while in 2009, there were more than 30,000 participants[2] performing to an audience of 80,000.[3]

Thanks for the reminder Finman, the Festival Grounds in Tallinn are really quite something to see and, even empty, grab the emotions - more especially when you know about the Singing Revolution and the human chain people made along the Baltic Way through Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia .

Thanks, everybody, for the great links. :thanks:

Any more?
The most lol story what I have met in that Estonian revolution was:

A person himeself told it in TV

Estonians declared their indepence and Soviet tank drived in.
That guy was an private alcohol seller. He went to cellar and took all 40 his vodka bottles
and delivered them to the tank crews. Soon he saw some tanks in ditch.
A bit like stopping the soldiers getting control of the tv/radio tower by calling the lift to the top and jamming the doors open so the lift couldn't be used. I think over a thousand steps, which is quite a lot to climb in a hurry.

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