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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
On another site I have just seen an advert for an over wintered Langstroth nuc.

£200 in a non returnable box which is fair enough but if you want the poly nuc it is in the price is £250. Said nuc brand new is £45.

Am I being tight here or is that a bit steep?

He's added on 10% to the retail price for the bother of having to place orders with the supplier and possibly put it all together.

He's not going to get rich adding 10% onto the retail price.

I'd say pretty fair.
TBH I am finding the £200 incredible. let alone the 2nd hand ply nuc aspect.

TBH I am finding the £200 incredible. let alone the 2nd hand ply nuc aspect.


That's a fair point.

£200 is crazy!

I am selling mine for £160 bees only and offering the nucs with deposits for there return
£250 wonder if they have a tub of vasaline handy.
Abelo showing 6 frame in proper polly nuc with feeder for £200 and 5 frame on cortex nuc £150
I think the fact its a second hand box is a misnomer if the guy is putting them in the the nuc a day or so before he sells them.

I wouldnt offer a discount on the retail price of a nuc box if someone wanted it included with the sale unless it was genuinely second hand.
I assume there is an uplift when it comes to langstroth?
Five Lang frames are £9-63 C. Wayne Jones prices for first frames

Five sheets of foundation at top price are £8-63 from Peter Kemble wax .

£18-26 in materials.

The nucs are over wintered in the Nucs so I feel using the description 2nd hand is fair.


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If it is the same guy as i think it is, take a look at the FB page this will give you a clue as to his ability, i will say no more.
The work involved?


How long does it really take to make up a nuc if you are not doing proper queen rearing but utilising a swarm cell?

I think I could do it in under ten minutes if not less than 7.

Perhaps you should go into nuc production [emoji4]

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We make up nucs from splits at our association apiary and sell them for £70 they have not overwintered but in good nick when we sell them

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yes it is what I am planning at ours too. Now that I am woo hoo..

Association Apiary Manager... no less...LOL

AKA a mannie that happens to be available...LOLOL

I think £70 for an in-season nuc is fair, and around £120 for over-wintered. Some of the prices I see being asked are crazy.
I cannot imagine a large scale user of poly nucs pays anywhere CLOSE to retail for his gear.

We do a lot of nucs now, overwintered with a home raised grafted queen from the breeding unit (not using swarm cells.) Only let them go once *I* think them ready to go, which is covering 5 to 6 bars. Feed them on arrival and they MUST be into a full hive in a week or less...supers on very soon after.

That's 140 collected and transferred into your own gear, or 160 if you want the nuc (also works as 140 +20 deposit if preferred) and can assure any concerned readers that I am NOT losing money at 20 pounds for the nuc.

Langstroths are more often sold in the EU at 5 frames and should thus be around the same price.

Not found a good UK source for a Langstroth nuc at a sensible price yet..........

Once you go to 6 frames or more there is little advantage in NOT using a full poly deep.

Polish ones too brittle (though hard), UK ones I have seen too easily chewed.

Have Canadian ones but want to phase them out as they have issues I dislike, and more relevantly that negatively impacts on the bees in our climate.

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