Price of varroa treatment

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i do not know about your degree systems out there
I have studied 1967-1974

When I went to study to university, I already knew how to nurse bees and how to get good honey yields.. I earned my studying money with selling honey and I bought my first apartment with honey money.

My main area was plant physiology laudatur
Chemistry abrobatur
Geograbhy cum laude
Zoology cum laude
Genetics cum laude
District planning geography

I have not worked on those areas in my earning works. What I used was skill to find out facts and knowledge. I change my profession 4 times during my 40 years carier.

I have enough knowledge to rear huge beehives in short summer and find good pastures to them.

.i have had over 40 years 150 km distance to my beehives from my Helsinki home.

I can say that our university does not teach, how to make 1:2 syrup. It teaches to find and select information, where you can trust on. Every Finnish child know at the age 3 how to mix water and sugar.

University teached 6 years to me that
- learn first, what others have found out, before you start to invent your own wheel.
- Do not waste your energy to invent such which is already invented.
Our life is too short to do everything, which has been already done.
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i do not know about your degree systems out there
I have studied 1967-1974

When I went to study to university, I already knew how to nurse bees and how to get good honey yields.. I earned my studying money with selling honey and I bought my first apartment with honey money.

My main area was plant physiology laudatur
Chemistry abrobatur
Geograbhy cum laude
Zoology cum laude
Genetics cum laude
District planning geography

I have not worked on those areas in my earning works. What I used was skill to find out facts and knowledge. I change my profession 4 times during my 40 years carier.

Ok. I had to look that up

I was curious because you frequently refer to your background in zoology and genetics and it is interesting to see what level you studied to and what you did subsequently with that knowledge.

I mean no disrespect, but, you must recognise that things continue to advance after your graduation (e.g. drosophila genome mapped in 2000, human genome mapped in 2001 (draft), honeybee genome mapped in 2006, etc). My seventeen year old son is doing genetic work in high school that my wife hadn't even covered on her Masters degree which she completed in 1986 (because the genome hadn't been completed until long after she graduated). She had to continue studying in order to teach these subjects
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IMHO it's a case of rotating the different treatments available and not relying on 1 method only. There was resistance to Apiguard but it works if only used once every 3-4 years. How far are the breeders on with that illusive resistant perfect bee?

I think you mean Apistan.
I mean no disrespect, but, you must recognise that things continue to advance after your graduation (e.g. drosophila genome mapped in 2000, human genome mapped in 2001 (draft), honeybee genome mapped in 2006, etc). My seventeen year old son is doing genetic work in high school that my wife hadn't even covered on her Masters

Ha ha ha ha ha....

You think that I stopped my studying and reading in the year 1972 ?

Ha ha ha ha.

You asked that question that you could poke me. Then you tell that genes have been mapped. Must be quite idiot that some one has passed those news.

Now B, take care your medication. I am serious.

My 38 y old boy is a surgeon in the most famous hospital in Helsinki.

I hope that climate has not changed after that when I studied climatology in year 1970.

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You think that I stopped my studying in thr year 1972
I hope not. I'm a firm believer in life-long learning.
However, you give us no indication on how you have applied your knowledge or how you have studied at a higher level. You just keep referring to your university studies.
Perhaps you would get the respect you seem to desire if you illustrated your progression with some landmark achievements?

Incidentally, does it really take 7 years to complete a degree in Finland? Was this an undegraduate or a masters course?
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I hope not. I'm a firm believer in life-long learning.
However, you give us no indication on how you have applied your knowledge or how you have studied at a higher level. ?

Why should I give indication?....

You hope . I graduated 1972 and now it is 2015. Too late to hope.
I have retired 5 years. Stop hoping!
Yeah. We need here new section:Collective Career Planning, CCP

How to do nothing with 300% efficacy?
- you do nothing and then you hire 2 assistants.
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Last week a member of the LASI team from Sussex University gave us a talk on their varroa control experiments. main points
OA was the most effective method but you must enter the hive the day before and ensure it is broodless, ie remove any brood with a comb. Vapour has marginally better results than trickling
Both methods should be carried out before Christmas and trickling (I cannot remember if it applies to vapour) twice.
The OA has a physical effect on the varroa mouthparts and evolution would take several hundred years to negate this effect whereas immunity to other products, ie pyrethroids only takes a few years.
Effects on queen life span clearly showed that vapour OA gave the longest survival rate.
One final comment the average lifespan of an artificially inseminated queen was under 1 year, free mated queens performed much better(they are breeding hygienic queens)
I've got an O level in woodwork - does that count?

No 'O' levels at all. Wife has 14 of 'em but they didn't exist in my day - School Cert or nothing. I got the nothing at school but did quite well nevertheless.
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