Why is it that you can never accept that some people are managing to keep bees successfully WITHOUT treating them for varroa ?
I recognise that your 'measure' of success is a colony that produces at least 200Kg of honey per hive per year but I think that success covers a broader spectrum ... honey at the rate the colony can produce without interference is all I seek. Bees that are easy to handle, that are healthy and free of disease, that are able to resist robbing by other colonies or wasps, a queen that lays a good pattern and is not either continually being superceded or swarming every time you turn your back. Bees that keep their home clean and are strong enough going into winter to survive ... and if there are a few varroa in the hive - they cope with it.
I know you response is going to be your usual insults about my time with the bees .. you are going to tell me that my bees will die .. as you have every year .. but guess what ... You were WRONG and you are still WRONG.
I have no problem with the way you want to keep bees but it's not everyone's way and those of us (A growing number) who choose an alternative path are finding that treatment free beekeeping IS possible .. and is often successful ... at least as successful as some people who treat and treat again and worry themselves to death every time they see a dead varroa on the board ... and then listen to you telling they they will have 10,000 mites within a month.
But what do I know ?