Preying Mantis eating my bees.

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Chris Luck

Queen Bee
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Vienne, 86400, France
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Less than 100
I bet not many of you have these eating your honey bees.:D


C'est mignon n'est-ce pas?

Wow, that's one beasty you can keep on your side of the channel! Although we've had little black scorpions on the cliffs behind Dover docks for a while now, so you never know.
They aren't of any concern at all, perhaps a few bees a day at the most, I just thought it was just another nice example of the complexities of the food matrix. Strange looking insects and fascinating to watch in action, very slow and robotic until the grab takes place.

I noticed a Mantis egg sack under the lid of a hive the other day as well.;)

You get about six of those to a kebab in Thailand.....
I don't think this was threatening the ladies, but the bees were treating it with suspicion.

a common lizard, I believe, although I have never seen one in wiltshire before... taken last week.

I see lots of wall lizards on and around my hives, (they often live underneath them). The bees completely ignore them and all the lizards are interested in are tiny flies and sunning themselves.

That's the female mantis. They eat the smaller male after mating. I'm glad I only have to wash the dishes...
Pedantically speaking, it's a Praying Mantis
Wow. Not see any preying mantis's here in London but I did once have a lizard under the hive. Apparently a protected species.

Re scorpions in Dover I found one on the beach at Isle of Sheppey which is nearby. It was about 12 years ago. It was about the size of the top part of my little finger and was black. Did not find out if it was poisonous but it's tail was arched over it's back which I read somewhere is how to tell the poisonous ones.

Are we supposed to have scorpions in England?