Pollen frames reusable?

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Mar 9, 2016
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Gower, where all the fun happens
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24 + a few nucs....this has to stop!
Hi all, early spring sorting of BB and I have come across a few full frames of pollen which didn't make it to the freezer. Pollen is not moody and frames look as good as fresh. Will they be using it or should I just recycle the frames? Thanks
Pollen often goes rock hard into mouldy pellets, if it’s not done that I’d be inclined to use. If nothing else pointless making more work.
We often get full combs of old, shiny pollen from deadouts. I want to reuse those combs but it seemed to me they would be useless as empty comb. To find out, we marked hundreds of pollen combs and placed one in the second story of expanding nucleus colonies. To a comb. all were emptied of pollen in a few weeks and then filled with brood.
Hi all, early spring sorting of BB and I have come across a few full frames of pollen which didn't make it to the freezer. Pollen is not moody and frames look as good as fresh. Will they be using it or should I just recycle the frames? Thanks
Image of these frames?

I've a few 100 I'm about to melt down that sound like that (if you want them ha). Not worth the time (and bees) and potential hazards so melting the lot.

As a test, placed a box of really mouldy super frames on some spare stocks and the bees cleaned them up fine.
Image of these frames?

I've a few 100 I'm about to melt down that sound like that (if you want them ha). Not worth the time (and bees) and potential hazards so melting the lot.

As a test, placed a box of really mouldy super frames on some spare stocks and the bees cleaned them up fine.
I will try to take a couple in betwen meetings. There is no risk of hazards, all my equipment is stored by apiary which have not shown any signs of diseases. If they can make use of it as early pollen boost and it's in good condition I think it is better to re-use rather than waste.
I will try to take a couple in betwen meetings. There is no risk of hazards, all my equipment is stored by apiary which have not shown any signs of diseases. If they can make use of it as early pollen boost and it's in good condition I think it is better to re-use rather than waste.
I've many sites (on Mars) and stocks so have to look at the risks vs reward vs time and balance that out. In a few weeks the bees will be dragging in masses of pollen around here anyway.

Interested to see the frames for ref.
Our definitions of *fresh* and fit for the melter/fire might differ a tad.

Here are the frames I'd class as poor, ready to melt vs decent ones I'll save -



^^ To be processed, mix of feed/pollen and not to my standards. Some are borderline, any doubts they get processed.


^^ Fresh

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