pollen capped frames what to do

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House Bee
May 13, 2019
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4 --5.
I have been removing quite a few frames of pollen from brood boxes to make room and although i can see the pollen packed in the cells most seem to be waxed over. Are they only good for melting down or is there something else i can use them for. Thank You
That’s bee bread. Bees have processed it for later use. It’s valuable for nucs and for the big colonies themselves when there is a dearth. I put mine in the freezer.
It’s really worth investing in a chest freezer for beekeeping.
Sorry but i do tend to be getting more forgetfull theese days. As i have more hives this year than previously i am seeing more frames with it.
Im afraid storing in the freezer is not an option for me ,But is there another way i could store for later use.Ie wrap in airtight bag or storage box. etc. Thank You.
I'm struggling to see why they need storing anywhere do they cause an issue of left in the hive with the bees?
I'm struggling to see why they need storing anywhere do they cause an issue of left in the hive with the bees?
Not usually no. I thought full frame had far too many. I sometimes do. I usually have half a dozen in the freezer over winter
Sorry to drag this on,but i had to remove them to give room in the hives and with being short of kit i have been removing them and just put them in some old old swarm boxes in my garage for time being till i found out what to use them for. Not all are completely fully waxed but most are and i have around 20. So just wanted to know what to do with them. Thank You
Sorry to drag this on,but i had to remove them to give room in the hives and with being short of kit i have been removing them and just put them in some old old swarm boxes in my garage for time being till i found out what to use them for. Not all are completely fully waxed but most are and i have around 20. So just wanted to know what to do with them. Thank You
Did you think of just going double brood?
I have 5 national poly hives ,three are on tripple brood and 2 are on DB ,I also have a swarm in a paynes poly nuc ,cut out to take 8 frames and now with4 extensions on. I am now out or kit except for three old swarm boxes. Thankfully empty that i am storing the frames in . So i am at full capacity as it where. LOL So i supose i will have to just store them and hope for the best. Thank You
I think i will store some in airtight box and see how it goes and the rest will be melted down in winter.I have limited space and kit for storing equipment .Thank You for all your help.
removing quite a few frames of pollen from brood boxes to make room
Your colonies are on double or triple BBs and those invariably have a lot of pollen in the bottom box, but why is that a problem?

Rolande's post 4 still resonates: why do you want to get rid of a valuable asset that bees have worked hard to collect?

I'd leave it all in the hive and winter them on double brood.
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