noticed over the last few weeks pinkish/red blotches on the insepection board.
uploaded pic ( top left corner).
Any ideas ?
thanks,i dont think its mould as its more of a stain than a growth.
appreciate the correx tip.
Why are they in anyway?
Mice ...eating red berries
Love that
None left here. The hedgerows were groaning with berries two weeks ago. Now completely bare.
Nice evening for a bit of trolling
Ha ha....keep those matchsticks in
Bees don't die of cold they die of damp.
Matchstick propping eyelids open, reading a book called the Bee Manual by Haynes that the twins bought for me to read.
On page 133 Preparing for Winter it says to raise the inner cover using a matchstick and has an illustration with a virgin matchstick unstruck.
I think by the time I have learned this book off by heart I will be able to pass the Master Beekeepers exam with flying colours!
Mine are in but with a gap at the backAgreed. I was merely referring to the comment regarding placing boards in due to cold weather.