Larva: Any idea what this is??

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Oct 17, 2011
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A few of these pinkish larvae are appearing over the crownboard on some hives ... Any idea as to what they might be? My fingers are crossed not Wax Moth... Bees coming up via CB Feed Hole went for one with vigorous stinging and pulling apart...
I've not witnessed them previously.
This is the only photo I can find online and the colours look a bit washed out.


My iPhone identified it as a goat moth caterpillar but when I googled I discovered the moth is rare in the U.K. and the caterpillars are 10 cm long.
@Spikedog what size was the caterpillar?
I’ve asked for Id on a butterfly moth group.
Any idea as to what they might be?
Plum moth larvae. The cocoon is quite different from wax moth: more of an elongated oval, quite neat. They love to over-winter on crownboards and inside roofs, but as I prefer plum & damson, they get the boot.
2-3cm ... varied... will be back as some hives tomorrow and if they are about will measure... They are welcome to live with the earwigs over CB if not destructive... Odd have not come across them previously... Look forward to positive id.
Yes... I got plum moth too from the experts....... nondescript little grey and white moth like countless others
I came across a few of those yesterday when doing a bit of requeening. Pink caterpillars, about 25-30 mm long and lively for a caterpillar. Interesting to know what they are.
The first year I have noticed them.they make a cocoon in the corner of crown board.They mature inside of plum fruit,in my case it must be sloes.But quite a walk.

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