The amount of replies this post has got really shocked me! So thanks a lot everyone.
Itma, you raise some very good issues, all of which have been swimming around my head already. It's extremely hard to try design something which showcases my skills as a 'designer' and still appeals to the market.
I'm proposing something which may be seen as a little radical, but it eliminates the need for fire at all. This means theres no hot smoke on the bees, no spontaneous smoking in the car, a lot less fuel consumption and a more considered design. Using some cheap technology and liquid smoke. (not as free as cardboard) this can be achieved, yes it is more expensive, but its about getting your money back from the value it adds. (especially for keepers with multiple sites)
Every single reply I got showed me something, I'm meeting with my tutor tomorrow and I'm sure he cant argue I'm going down the wrong route when the masses have spoken. so thank you very much everyone!
I will be keeping you all updated and to get a little bit of a clue where things might go have a look at other things i've done in my university portfolio. typing in leegrievedesign should find me!