Oxalic treatment and supers

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House Bee
Jun 18, 2020
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Quick question. If there is a need to treat for heavy varroa now with oxalic, for how long do you remove the supers to use vaping? Straight off, vape and wait a day or just a short period of time?
Just what I wanted to hear.
Thank you.
Would you use a crown board with a bee escape to get all your bees down below the supers?
Would you use a crown board with a bee escape to get all your bees down below the supers?
Yes a rhombus with a decent eke built or another super if the colony needs the space. Capped supers, remember, are largely devoid of bees anyway.
Would you use a crown board with a bee escape to get all your bees down below the supers?
I wouldn't bother, the supers are only off for less time than a normal inspection and the bees in the super will still get their OA dusting when they return to the brood box
Yes a rhombus with a decent eke built or another super if the colony needs the space. Capped supers, remember, are largely devoid of bees anyway.
Cripes I didn’t read the context properly. As JBM. Just move the supers aside bees and all
this might be daft but can you OA sublimate leaving supers on once the honey harvest is over...does OA contaminate the nectar /uncapped honey in the super? I ask Just in case the bees do not finish it all off as winter feed and some ends up as part of a harvested super next season. Its asked out of laziness partly but also if my supers are rammed with bees Id like to give as many bees as possible a blast of OA for any phoretic mites they might be carrying
this might be daft but can you OA sublimate leaving supers on once the honey harvest is over...does OA contaminate the nectar /uncapped honey in the super? I ask Just in case the bees do not finish it all off as winter feed and some ends up as part of a harvested super next season. Its asked out of laziness partly but also if my supers are rammed with bees Id like to give as many bees as possible a blast of OA for any phoretic mites they might be carrying
they'll get it even if you move the supers to one side, vape them and put the supers back a few minutes after, it will spread with close contact of the bees
In the US of A there is a move to leave supers on when treating with OA as OA is naturally occurring in the environment. I think they're waiting for federal approval [or whomever it needs to be] I can see certain factions in the UK opposing this move who are incidentally, reissuing the honey label petition.

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