I'm feeling a bit upset/ annoyed. When I started beekeeping I approached a local farmer myself, they were glad to have me down there and allowed me to keep bees on their farm. Then, before I took a hive down I got a call from the farmer telling me there had been a mix up and another person had also been approaching them at the same time, turns out it was the association arranging it on behalf of one of the members. They said they didn't mind us down there though so as a compromise I went along with it so there would be two people keeping bees on that site. I knew the other guy so didn't mind, although i thought it not ideal. Just recently in their quest for new members the association are advertising this site to all their members telling them they can keep bees down there as one of their "out apiary facilities".
I have spoken to the farmer who says he wasn't aware of any agreement but I suspect his father has arranged something with the association.
They are now constantly advertising there are bees down there (mine of course) to anyone who comes along.
Another thing, the farmer asked me to help at an open day, the association got wind of this and because I had agreed, I got hauled over the coals being told it should have gone through the committee, although it required no input from them, nor had anything to do with them, it was an agreement between the farmer and myself.
I am worried if different people are coming and going off the site then it risks security, people could be bringing in bees from unreliable sources and that my hives get tampered with.
I class my agreement with the farm as direct and not through the association although they are claiming it isn't. I keep getting told by them it's "all about teamwork". I wasn't told of any agreement, their attitude is very much they got there first so they are just letting me use it.
I don't want to upset either party, I just feel in the middle and don't want to put my bees at risk by the actions of others.
Can you offer any advice? Am I worrying about nothing? Should I look for another site and move my bees? I'm not even getting consulted about anything!
I have spoken to the farmer who says he wasn't aware of any agreement but I suspect his father has arranged something with the association.
They are now constantly advertising there are bees down there (mine of course) to anyone who comes along.
Another thing, the farmer asked me to help at an open day, the association got wind of this and because I had agreed, I got hauled over the coals being told it should have gone through the committee, although it required no input from them, nor had anything to do with them, it was an agreement between the farmer and myself.
I am worried if different people are coming and going off the site then it risks security, people could be bringing in bees from unreliable sources and that my hives get tampered with.
I class my agreement with the farm as direct and not through the association although they are claiming it isn't. I keep getting told by them it's "all about teamwork". I wasn't told of any agreement, their attitude is very much they got there first so they are just letting me use it.
I don't want to upset either party, I just feel in the middle and don't want to put my bees at risk by the actions of others.
Can you offer any advice? Am I worrying about nothing? Should I look for another site and move my bees? I'm not even getting consulted about anything!