opened hives - lactic acid

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May 29, 2018
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East Sussex
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yesterday...temps around 12 and sunny, bees flying

opened two hives to spray with lactic acid (only because mite drop seemed high in sept and i had some left, am planning to switch to MAQs in spring)

Two colonies had a fair bit of capped brood on 2-3 frames so i left alone.

I left on the basis that the mites would be in the brood rather than on the bees, so not worth disturbing them.

One was the colony i had supercedure cells on in autumn, so i guess queen is still there doing her thing

Right decision to leave alone?

or should i have removed the capped brood and sprayed regardless?

On the thread it states 90 something % of mites killed.As I'm a bit thick about some things! Can someone explain how this is worked out/arrived at. I know how to count dead mites on inspection board. How are the remaining live ones counted? ie; to get the 100%.:yeahthat:;):cheers2::biggrinjester:
Sugar roll or an alcohol wash - something like that.
The lactic acid research was done in Germany if memory serves and was backed up by killing the colony and counting. Not heard it mentioned as a control substance for years now. How odd as it was overtaken by strips due to the inefficiency of it as a method.

Greek yogurt.... has loads of beneficial bugs and lactic acid... rotten milk would do....

Is it on the VMD's list as an approved product??

Nadelik Lowen

I'm sure it's right there along side AO 😀