Old Folks take up Beekeeping in Glamorgan

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Queen Bee
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
Vale of Glamorgan
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Possibly...5 and a bit...depends on the bees.
Hi, we are about to embark on beekeeping here in Glamorgan. We have been building frames like fury to fill the brood and supers. We have opted to go with poly hives. So now we have pale green(not our initial choice) parts of hive scattered about the kitchen in various stages of drying. Been reading lots and checking out the utube....to educate ourselves a bit. Also joined our local beekeepers assn. almost.....as online registration has been a bit tricky. Attended a new beekeepers training session......totally fab and very helpful. Also registered for taster day and a course. Phew!!!! Been busy ....as a bee! Soon we will have a nuc and a complete hive to attend. Hopefully our land will soon be a buzzing. The forum is interesting and informative and I am sure we will be checking in for help.
Ha Ha......we are suckers for a challenge.....
They are here,

Hi All, Our bees arrived today. All the children knelt and listened to them in the nuc. Then we opened the nuc with a little smoke...but I don't think we needed it as they were so quiet. having made space in the brood chamber we slowly transferred each frame. There was lots of capped brood and pupae. As each frame was installed we looked vainly for the queen. The children were creeping closer asking where she was! On the last frame ....there in all her glory ness with a smart crown(number 71). She was sweeping across the frame. Everyone saw her and admired her before she was tucked away into the new poly hive. All the residual bees walked slowly into the hive from the nuc....some flying but all orientating to the left hand of the entrance....so we put a wooden entrance block in for them. Now they only have to defend a few inches of entrance. Phew! There were lots of bees in the nuc...we hefted each nuc to test the weight of them and chose the heaviest. So we either have lots of bees or lots of comb...or perhaps a combination. Comb covered all of the 6 frames. Lots of brood. Not a huge amount of stores. We put a top feeder in full of invert bee. Our first colony...hope they survive out fumbling and lack of knowledge! Ha Ha Just as we were about to start....we had forgotten the smoker....OH rushed off to get it. Then, as we started to transfer the frames we discovered we didn't have the hive tool! Tee Hee....another rush off by OH. However, the bees were very forgiving and we had a fab first experience. Mainly, thanks to Bridgend Beekeepers very helpful instruction. Can't beat hands on training. So we send them lots of cheers and thanks. TaDaaa.
Scouting out the new home

Hi All, Our bees are out in force today in the sunshine. Lots of them hovering in front of the hive. Some coming out and dashing off. Can't see them carrying pollen yet but may need to get the binoculars to check that. Earlier this morning there were just a few out....the weather was dull and threatening to rain. I could see a guard at the doorway nada few orienting to the hive...but much busier now at lunchtime. So cool. the bees are doing their bee thing and we get to see it.
Bees collecting

My grandson came home from school yesterday and immediately ran to our Bee Yard(only one hive ATM). He was back in the kitchen real quick informing, casually, that the worker bees were bringing back pollem. He is only 6 so hadn't quite got to right pronunciation! His Mum asked how he knew it was pollen...with a grin on her face.....which was wiped off when he replied "Big bags of yellow pollem on their thighs" slapping his legs as he said it! How cute is that? He was right...we all went to see the pollem coming in. Clever bees are finding food.

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