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Jun 4, 2015
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Co / Durham / Co Cleveland and Northumberland
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17 nucs....
Is there any Doctors on here.. lol . i have a piece of wood stuck in my hand that a can not see close too my big thumb joint from above it is deep and i have had around one and a half tea spoons full of puss out today from the hole it left, any tips before i have to go get my hand slashed with a scalpel.
Is there any Doctors on here.. lol . i have a piece of wood stuck in my hand that a can not see close too my big thumb joint from above it is deep and i have had around one and a half tea spoons full of puss out today from the hole it left, any tips before i have to go get my hand slashed with a scalpel.

Speaking as a vet I would take a good book and get yourself to A and E
Speaking as a vet I would take a good book and get yourself to A and E

Thank you Erica but that is my last option as i have had bad times as a child in Hospitals so i am frightened of them places, i am mentally scared so to speak, i do not mind bits of wood hanging out or hiding under my flesh which hurts less than a painless hospital procedure , but the thought of going to surgery removes all my energy.
Thank you Erica but that is my last option as i have had bad times as a child in Hospitals so i am frightened of them places, i am mentally scared so to speak, i do not mind bits of wood hanging out or hiding under my flesh which hurts less than a painless hospital procedure , but the thought of going to surgery removes all my energy.
Take pain killers and wait 30 minutes. Squeeze out pus. Wipe wound. Sharpen knife. Clean knife and tweezers with alcohol (not your oldest whisky). Wash wound with alcohol. Open wound with knife. Take wood out with tweezers. Hold spoon over gas burner for 30 seconds. Hold spoon on wound for 10 seconds. Hope for best.

Or go to pharmacist. They'll be able to tell you to go to A&E.

Or go to the doctors. It's probably infected and you're probably overdue a tetanus jab.
Whatever you do, if you see any redness extending up your arm then get to A&E asap, as you may have developed a blood infection! Honestly, squeezing that much puss from a wound with a foreign body in it indicates that you really need to get the splinter out.
Thank you Erica but that is my last option as i have had bad times as a child in Hospitals so i am frightened of them places, i am mentally scared so to speak, i do not mind bits of wood hanging out or hiding under my flesh which hurts less than a painless hospital procedure , but the thought of going to surgery removes all my energy.

Make an appointment with your doctor?
Make an appointment with your doctor?

Millet I would say: if not hospital, please turn up asap at your local surgery to see the 'emergency doctor'. Certainly don't wait for an appointment.

- I speak as someone whose blood pressure rockets ridiculously at the sight of a white coat, but who went in after the tiniest of garden injuries to a finger led me to applications of salt water, disinfectants, stabbings with needle to get pus out etc etc, all to no avail. Real inflammation. - The first time I'd taken antibiotics in decades, and how grateful I was to them, and to the service I received!
Whatever you do, if you see any redness extending up your arm then get to A&E asap, as you may have developed a blood infection! Honestly, squeezing that much puss from a wound with a foreign body in it indicates that you really need to get the splinter out.

If i see any redness tracking up my arm i will have to go to A@E , the redness has calmed down today but but the swelling is still there, i started taking antibiotics yesterday so hopefully they will help with the infection while hopefully the bit of wood works its way to the surface.
Salt in warm water then dip your hand in there, googled this for you!
For open wounds that are infected, proper cleaning is important for healing. Soak the wounded area in warm water or put a warm, wet cloth on the wound for 20 minutes three times a day. Use a warm saltwater solution containing 2 teaspoons of table salt per quart of water.
Salt in warm water then dip your hand in there, googled this for you!
For open wounds that are infected, proper cleaning is important for healing. Soak the wounded area in warm water or put a warm, wet cloth on the wound for 20 minutes three times a day. Use a warm saltwater solution containing 2 teaspoons of table salt per quart of water.

Thank you for that.. ;) , the hole in my hand is sealed but i can see a bit of yellow under the skin, i will try what you have said and squeeze any pus out, the Amoxicillin i was given seems to have kicked in as the swelling on my hand is going down, pardon the pun touch wood it works but only if i could see the wood to pull it out.. lol
Thank you Erica but that is my last option as i have had bad times as a child in Hospitals so i am frightened of them places

Millet, if you have issues with doctors.....go see a vet!...take a trip down to Erichalfbee....She will probably do a better job than many MD's would.
The difference between scared and serious secondary infections is not worth thinking man or mouse............ was that a squeak I heard :)
There is a lot of good advice on this by other posters. If the infection spreads you are in danger of systemic septic shock. If you are determined not to seek medical help - I was treated as a child by my mother for conditions like this. (I was a very dirty, much-injured little boy). First you have to get the wood out. That is the source and reservoir of infection. Then she washed the wound with antiseptic (Detol). Then she dressed it with a mixture of soap and sugar held against the wound by a sticking plaster. The soap/sugar draws the wound and sucks the pus/infection out. I am NOT recommending this - but it worked for me on numerous occasions. (Perhaps it is surprising that I am still alive).
Millet, if you have issues with doctors.....go see a vet!...take a trip down to Erichalfbee....She will probably do a better job than many MD's would.
The difference between scared and serious secondary infections is not worth thinking man or mouse............ was that a squeak I heard :)

There is a lot of good advice on this by other posters. If the infection spreads you are in danger of systemic septic shock. If you are determined not to seek medical help - I was treated as a child by my mother for conditions like this. (I was a very dirty, much-injured little boy). First you have to get the wood out. That is the source and reservoir of infection. Then she washed the wound with antiseptic (Detol). Then she dressed it with a mixture of soap and sugar held against the wound by a sticking plaster. The soap/sugar draws the wound and sucks the pus/infection out. I am NOT recommending this - but it worked for me on numerous occasions. (Perhaps it is surprising that I am still alive).

From what I've read and heard, Detol and TCP are no-nos for wounds as they damage the flesh at the wound edges and hinder healing. Salt solution works for us and our dogs. If I'm wrong PLEASE tell me because I don't want to mislead other people or me.
From what I've read and heard, Detol and TCP are no-nos for wounds as they damage the flesh at the wound edges and hinder healing. Salt solution works for us and our dogs. If I'm wrong PLEASE tell me because I don't want to mislead other people or me.

You've totally missed the obvious salve.....something we should all have to hand :)
You've totally missed the obvious salve.....something we should all have to hand :)

:sorry: but I am at a loss. Please enlighten me, and I'm not taking the P.
I've just spent 3/4 a day in the local hospital for Echocardiogram and am wearing a 24 hr. E.C.G. tape machine, so I don't take expert advice as cow-poo.

I'm looking for expert input to inform me and others re. antiseptics, and yes vets are probably better than some (a lot of) GP's.
From what I've read and heard, Detol and TCP are no-nos for wounds as they damage the flesh at the wound edges and hinder healing. Salt solution works for us and our dogs. If I'm wrong PLEASE tell me because I don't want to mislead other people or me.

I was told by a good Greyhound vet not to use any antiseptic that turns white when added to water as it can cause an infection within on wounds, right or wrong i do not know, but after that advice salt water was used on any puncture wounds caused by (before the ban) on fox and feral cats and also on barbed wire ripped skin and to date i can not remember any serious infections in my pooches apart from when one terrier got a good lump of its top lip ripped of but that is another story.
:sorry: but I am at a loss. Please enlighten me, and I'm not taking the P.
I've just spent 3/4 a day in the local hospital for Echocardiogram and am wearing a 24 hr. E.C.G. tape machine, so I don't take expert advice as cow-poo.

I'm looking for expert input to inform me and others re. antiseptics, and yes vets are probably better than some (a lot of) GP's.

How antiseptic is honey ;) ?
Sorry about the ecg....hope you're OK

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