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(not that antipodean rubbish!! :))

Problem is it does have higher antibiotic properties; despite our prejudices about it... Not that our honeys don't have antibiotic activity. We lack the marketing campaign....£30 a lb for the top stuff..
I'd love to see the history behind it's marketing from "fit only for pig food" to highly expensive designer food snobbery.

If you have not already done so Please go to A & E. Several years ago I literally came within a whisker of death due to sepsis. If it gets into your blood stream you have medical emergency on your hands. It does happen especially as we get older and immune system is weaker. A few hours in A & E is far better than being in Intensive care for a few weeks (or worse).
It can happen incrediby quickly so don't take the risk.
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Do get yourself an anti tetanus injection. The effect tends to last years.

Based on your being a beekeeper this is not likely to be your only injury so it will stand you in good stead for the future.

(I speak from personal experience : my last tetanus jab was at least a decade - or three - ago and I still have anti tetanus antibodies in my system. So said the doctors when I decided to remove half a finger two years ago. It also explains my lack of infections despite many cuts,thorns etc)
Problem is it does have higher antibiotic properties; despite our prejudices about it... Not that our honeys don't have antibiotic activity. We lack the marketing campaign....£30 a lb for the top stuff..
I'd love to see the history behind it's marketing from "fit only for pig food" to highly expensive designer food snobbery.

I was gifted a book on the subject but to my shame still have not read it. I'll check tonight
Do get yourself an anti tetanus injection. The effect tends to last years.

Based on your being a beekeeper this is not likely to be your only injury so it will stand you in good stead for the future.

(I speak from personal experience : my last tetanus jab was at least a decade - or three - ago and I still have anti tetanus antibodies in my system. So said the doctors when I decided to remove half a finger two years ago. It also explains my lack of infections despite many cuts,thorns etc)

Beekeeping is more friendly on the body than my old full time job which was a an Advanced Scaffolder i only do that part time now to keep me fit, the amount of splinters and missing skin from my hands is too much to put a number on, i have had cuts to near the bone on my fingers many times and once i can get through the infection side of things they heal on there own without wasting the hospitals time, with this piece of wood i have in my hand and the way it is going it may well turn into an abscess, i have had one lanced on my arm with no anesthetic when i was 14 yrs old and it was pure agony NEVER AGAIN will i go through that.
Hopefully it does turn into and abscess that way i can treat it with Magnesium Sulphate paste which i have done for years now with other boils and abscess's, i place it on a big plaster and put it over the head of the wound, a NHS nurse told me to do it years ago after i refused to go to the hospital with a big boil on my stomach, it makes the hole bigger and soft and everything can be squeezed out easier.
The reason i asked on here for any Doctors was to see if there is any upto date remedies but i suppose they could be liable giving that kind of information over the key board.
Thanks anyway.
Hello, I'm a old scaffolder millet, don't you just love it when you get asked for planks and pipes! Haha... Injury kind of finished it but a good friend who had his own business on the island died on the job a few years back: ( only on the first lift too! He got me into this beekeeping in the first place, he was a good un!
Hello, I'm a old scaffolder millet, don't you just love it when you get asked for planks and pipes! Haha... Injury kind of finished it but a good friend who had his own business on the island died on the job a few years back: ( only on the first lift too! He got me into this beekeeping in the first place, he was a good un!

Planks and pipes, :icon_204-2: , it can be a brutal job on your body as you will know even more so on your hands and joints especially in winter 28yrs of it i did full time, like you i have had a good mate fall and die he was three lifts up though and smashed his face in on a tube that was stuck out before he hit the floor.
The piece of wood i have in my hand is from a 13ft board funny enough, i do two or three days per week for a local fellow who has his own company but come witer i will wave it good bye ... lol.
Was a great job but bloody hard work, really enjoyed it though. There's better ways of earning a crust though. Don't blame you given it up come winter!
Planks and pipes, :icon_204-2: , it can be a brutal job

Us allotmenters aren't that bad are we?

We only want a few boards!

New plot people always ask if I have contacts for the boards. So I tell them they can either buy them new for an arm and a leg or they can get the yellow pages out like I did and ring through everyone and ask if they have any scrap ones.

I've not taken to stopping scaffolders in the streets yet. Unlike the tree surgeons. :)
Us allotmenters aren't that bad are we?

We only want a few boards!

New plot people always ask if I have contacts for the boards. So I tell them they can either buy them new for an arm and a leg or they can get the yellow pages out like I did and ring through everyone and ask if they have any scrap ones.

I've not taken to stopping scaffolders in the streets yet. Unlike the tree surgeons. :)

I have friends with allotments and one in particular has had in excess of 100 boards from me over the years for free, i think he was chopping them up and burning them on his log burner in his shed.. lol , the last company i worked for when i was driving the wagons i must have dropped thousands of for friends over the years, they sure are good for raised bed's . ;)
If you absolutely won't see a professional, Millet, then go to your nearest pet supplies store and get a pack of animalintex.


Follow the instructions on the pack.

Yes it's for horses, but I've used it every time I need to draw out splinters or treat abcesses and it's absolutely brilliant for drawing out foreign bodies, even if the entrance hole is sealed over.

If you don't want to shell out 6 quid, you may have the ingredients at home, because it is purely a glycerin and Epsom salts poultice. Mix together a teaspoon each of glycerin and Epsom salts, spread on a piece of clean lint, and place on the wound. Wrap in cling film to exclude air, and bandage in place. Leave 24 hours. Repeat if necessary.
And DO check on your tetanus shots. My grandfather died of tetanus from a wood splinter in the fifties, so be VERY warned.
And DO check on your tetanus shots. My grandfather died of tetanus from a wood splinter in the fifties, so be VERY warned.

Thank you for that..;) regarding tetanus jabs i got bitten by a malamute around five years ago on new years eve, it grabbed my had and tried too chew it off before i picked it up and flung it across the room, i had twelve puncture wounds in my hand and fingers that swelled up like a balloon the next day, i had to go to A@E on New years day with that as i thought my hand was going to pop with the amount of swelling, all i received for that was a course of antibiotics with not a mention of a tetanus and it was a lot worse than what i have now.
.. .. .. Squeeze out pus. Wipe wound. Sharpen knife. Clean knife and tweezers with alcohol (not your oldest whisky). Wash wound with alcohol. Open wound with knife. Take wood out with tweezers. .. .. .. Hope for best.

:agree: only drink the alcohol, wait 5 mins then drink some more!

Treat it like a fish-hook. Good new Stanley knife blade should be good enough. :svengo:

Should really have done it as soon as you couldn't remove the splinter.
Thank you for that..;) regarding tetanus jabs i got bitten by a malamute around five years ago on new years eve, it grabbed my had and tried too chew it off before i picked it up and flung it across the room, i had twelve puncture wounds in my hand and fingers that swelled up like a balloon the next day, i had to go to A@E on New years day with that as i thought my hand was going to pop with the amount of swelling, all i received for that was a course of antibiotics with not a mention of a tetanus and it was a lot worse than what i have now.

Those antibiotics could save your life like they did for me. Your funeral as the saying goes. At least if you get any sign of fever or nausea promise me you will get to the hospital double quick.
Those antibiotics could save your life like they did for me. Your funeral as the saying goes. At least if you get any sign of fever or nausea promise me you will get to the hospital double quick.

I got a course of amoxicillin given to me by a friend and they seem to have worked on the swollen hand, however where the splinter is a storm is still brewing under my skin, if i manage to get it out i will post a picture to show you how small it is.. :D , i promise i will 100% go to A@E if anything happens that i can not control or deal with myself.;)

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