Noah's Animals...

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I was watching a program yesterday with my 13yr old daughter, about the hunting for Noah's Ark and what brought about the flood.
Part way through the program my daughter asked me a question, If he took two of every animal, surely after the flood the surviving animals would have ended up inbreeding and dying out anyway, wouldn't they...
Umm, well, good question...
Answers on a post card please..:thanks:
it's about the bible which is the biggest fairy story ever. Fairy stories aren't true.
Surely in this case God steps in at the point of mitotic division to provide enough viable mutations to avoid harmfull inbreeding effects.

yup. god, Father Krissmiss and the tooth fairy all got together and did it between the,. Probably the Yeti and Loch Ness monster had some input too.
The discrepency between ages suggests two obvious situations:

1. The genetic clocks used for assessing mitochondrial and Y chromosomal DNA evolution need "correcting"


the better explanation:

2. mitochondrial DNA is inherited by both males and females in a lineage so truly reflects original ancestry BUT Y chromosome only found in males so only reflects most recent common male ancestor. The relative youth of adam would therefore suggest a genetic bottleneck - whereby only one male lineage, from a pool of many, survived.

NB great story re Northern elephant seals (from the gabby dover evolutionary genetics team) - hunted almost to extinction for oil, Royal society expedition around 1910 estimated only 20 individuals left BUT still shot a few and brought remains back to UK. DNA analysis of the skins and samples bravely taken from modern seals also suggested a bottle neck in that period and similar no. of survivors/founders of modern population.

Mt Toba eruption, 70,000 years ago? Responsible for the genetic bottleneck?
A scientist once told me that some of his collegues think that evolution may not have been possible, due to how many years it takes for one creature to evolve into the latest model..All the changes could add up to longer than it is believed the earth has existed, but non of them dare voice their opinions, because they dont have an alternative explaination.

Close, but no cigar. That was a view used to argue against Darwin, when the earth was commonly held to be 6,500 years old. Now we know it's 4,500,000,000 years old, it all fits.
The discrepency between ages suggests two obvious situations:

1. The genetic clocks used for assessing mitochondrial and Y chromosomal DNA evolution need "correcting"


the better explanation:

2. mitochondrial DNA is inherited by both males and females in a lineage so truly reflects original ancestry BUT Y chromosome only found in males so only reflects most recent common male ancestor. The relative youth of adam would therefore suggest a genetic bottleneck - whereby only one male lineage, from a pool of many, survived.

NB great story re Northern elephant seals (from the gabby dover evolutionary genetics team) - hunted almost to extinction for oil, Royal society expedition around 1910 estimated only 20 individuals left BUT still shot a few and brought remains back to UK. DNA analysis of the skins and samples bravely taken from modern seals also suggested a bottle neck in that period and similar no. of survivors/founders of modern population.

I thought mitochondrial DNA was inherited wholesale from the mother, and the Y chromosome was only in nuclear DNA- have I got that bit wrong then?

The Irish have come from Spain, Scotch have come from Germany and Norway, English from Germany

And the Welsh were here before all of the b**gers

Says a man from the amman valley where the people used to sport webbed feet and six fingers before they saw the first incomers at the discovery of coal.

Hey, my cousin (AKA grandma)would contest you there.:D
But I admit my family have been here a while at least since the 1100's - My ancestor was the lord Rhys ap Gruffudd at Tewdur Prince of Dinefwr. We have documentary proof of the Llewelyns being here since Tudor times. But the jenkins side are newcomers - my G.G. Granfather David Jenkins moved here from Adpar in Cardiganshire in the 1860's to work underground
Flood myths

Many cultures have a 'flood myth', god or gods saving a few faithful from the deluge. There's one in the Gilgamesh stories from Babylon which came in handy as source material for many of the older biblical stories.

There's a serious claim that flood myths are folk memories of rising sea levels dating from the last post glacial period. It's not unknown for fishing boats in areas like the North Sea to dredge up items like hand axes and harpoons from areas that were inhabited after the last major glaciation but flooded with sea level rises. Some of the stories might even be related to catastrophic floods of sea water in areas such as the Mediterranean or Black Sea. The stories may have been doing the camp fire rounds for 8000 years or more.
New York taxi park during hurricane Sandy 30.10.2012

Bees in the ark, two by two. That would be the legendary queen and drone then!

As for the water, global warming as per the newspapers of the time.
Many cultures have a 'flood myth', god or gods saving a few faithful from the deluge. There's one in the Gilgamesh stories from Babylon which came in handy as source material for many of the older biblical stories.

There's a serious claim that flood myths are folk memories of rising sea levels dating from the last post glacial period. It's not unknown for fishing boats in areas like the North Sea to dredge up items like hand axes and harpoons from areas that were inhabited after the last major glaciation but flooded with sea level rises. Some of the stories might even be related to catastrophic floods of sea water in areas such as the Mediterranean or Black Sea. The stories may have been doing the camp fire rounds for 8000 years or more.


Interesting fact, from an old episode of QI, that sort of parallels the Ark story was that some long distance sailors (Norse?) used to carry a raven or two to let them know if land was within reach.
yup. god, Father Krissmiss and the tooth fairy all got together and did it between the,. Probably the Yeti and Loch Ness monster had some input too.

Tooth fairies are real. You just have to take it on faith. Besides, I got a couple of quid when I was a child from them. That proves it
I was watching a program yesterday with my 13yr old daughter, about the hunting for Noah's Ark and what brought about the flood.
Part way through the program my daughter asked me a question, If he took two of every animal, surely after the flood the surviving animals would have ended up inbreeding and dying out anyway, wouldn't they...
Umm, well, good question...
Answers on a post card please..:thanks:

As Richard Dawkins would say - Healthy scepticism. Those without - RELIGION!
Tooth fairies are real. ..........That proves it

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy is a fantasy figure of early childhood.[1] The folklore states that when a child loses a baby tooth, if he or she places it beneath the bed pillow, the tooth fairy will visit while the child sleeps, replacing the lost tooth with a small payment.[2]


I am sure that I have been robbed when sleeping..........

I'm not sure I've understood this correctly. Human male mitochondrial DNA cannot be inherited. It does not enter the egg during fertilisation.
And contrary to popular thought. Eve was not stated to be the first woman, that honour goes to Lilith. Eve was the 2nd. Lilith went on to be the mother of all snakes.
Useless I know, but hey!
Grand daughter when faced by another kid who said that Father Christmas doesn't really exist, countered and says that she knows that Santa exists, because she got a winter hat for Christmas and she hadn't mentioned that she wanted one to anyone at all.

Lucky that I bought the wrong size for the wife and chose not to return it then eh?
And contrary to popular thought. Eve was not stated to be the first woman, that honour goes to Lilith. Eve was the 2nd. Lilith went on to be the mother of all snakes.
Useless I know, but hey!

Lilith was originally a demon from a much earlier belief system. She was later re-written as Adam's first wife in an attempt to tie together various loose ends in what people believed.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tooth Fairy

The tooth fairy is a fantasy figure of early childhood.[1] The folklore states that when a child loses a baby tooth, if he or she places it beneath the bed pillow, the tooth fairy will visit while the child sleeps, replacing the lost tooth with a small payment.[2]


I am sure that I have been robbed when sleeping..........


The tooth fairys are not thieves. They make their money by making and selling false teeth made from their nightly collections.

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