Thank you certainly put the larvae in a very strong Queenless colony.
I was thinking of making the colony queenless at the same time when I put the queen into the Nicot system, remove the queen after 12-24hrs and leave the Nicot system in the colony for another 2/3 days and move it into the queenless colony. Would check all the frames in the queenless colony to see there is no queen cells.
Let me know if this is a good plan or I need to make few amendments to my plan.
You are recommended to put the cage - without Q into the colony for 24 hours to enable the bees to clean it. I sprayed sugar solution on the cups as well to encourage cleaning.
Then insert Q.
Before you remove the Q from the Nicot cage, you MUST check for eggs. If none leave Q in for another 24 hours.
Once you see eggs, you should know how old they are: eg if none yesterday at (say) 5pm and some today at say 5pm on average the eggs will be 12 hours old. (24hours divided by 2)
Within 3 days from laying the eggs will be larvae. SO another 72-12 = 60 hours.
THIS is VERY Important.
If you then place cage with eggs in another hive, the workers will almost certainly eat the eggs. (Different scent)
Best queens are raised with young larvae - the younger the better.. So if you want 12 hour old (or LESS) larvae, you are looking at laying time +72 hours to become larvae plus less than 12 hours.
So you need to calculate from when you think the eggs were laid . And move them then.
Queen rearing requires absolute following of a Queen Rearing Calendar. If you get it wrong badly you will get poor quality queens or none at all...
Been there , done that.
So the start date and TIME of when you insert Q into cage must be carefully chosen so subsequent dates and times are convenient for you.
The Beeyard » Queen Rearing Calendar gives a calendar for grafting - just amend to suit Nicot steps.
Queen Rearing Timetable – BIBBA is another.
I used a simple Excel spreadsheet but pencil and paper is fine.
I must reiterate:
Correct Timing is ESSENTIAL
( removing a Q at night? Moving a frame at 3am? Not me)
I used Nicot for three years but decided grafting was far more flexible and with fewer interventions and much easier control of timetable. So taught myself grafting but that is another story.