New swarm with queen, no brood after about three weeks

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Anyone else think that brood looks a bit droney?
Yes the patch of brood does not look great with odd spaced sealed cells……guess only time will tell…out of the frying pan into the fire!!! With the best will in the world could we suggest the OP contacts his association to see if they have any practical days/apiary meetings.
Anyone else think that brood looks a bit droney?

Not entirely convinced. The partly sealed one maybe but if you zoom in on the first image, with the opposite side of the frame to the image I labelled, there are more capped cells present which, apart from an obscuring covering of bees, to me look like worker brood.
You should sell an online inspection service Will.
No need to look for eggs just send a few pics to WILCO inspection services. 🤣
Better be quick tho as I get an inkling that someone on the Costa da Fareham might muscle in at the mention of dosh!