New renegade beekeeper Stirlingshire

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Sorry you've had to deal with rude replies, manners cost nothing and I've always maintained it's possible to disagree with someone while still being polite.
Personally, I wouldn't dream of keeping bees in a skep but I would neither criticise nor condemn your choice. On the contrary I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes, there is a farm a few miles from me that has an old bee bole wall.
Thank you so much. Yes, perhaps I'll post back how it's getting on. Wilco and I have already discussed the title of my forthcoming book on the subject. It shall be SKEPS APPEAL. #1 best seller waiting to happen LOLZ
I found the bottle beekeeping ideas interesting, though I won't be doing it.
Skeps make examining for serious disease effectively impossible, so I won't be doing that either.
However it did strike me that you could mimic the bottle idea with a stack of poly-nuc supers on a suitable base, adding boxes underneath and removing the top box to harvest if you wanted to try minimal-input beekeeping. The whole thing would remain examinable if needed.
It certainly has captured the imagination of lots of people who know nothing about bees. The ingenuity of the human mind to Heath Robinson is astounding. There is a long and necessarily detailed question from somebody who has kept bees but the answer is that details haven’t been worked out but he plans to.
He’s Russian. He probably has more on his mind right now.
I think we can criticise keeping bees in a plastic bottle though, don’t you?

Have you actually watched the original video that has been referenced on this thread?

Maybe you would prefer this's a running commentary of that video from a couple of U.S. beekeepers. They're trying hard to hate it but really can't find fault with the beekeeping. :)

It certainly has captured the imagination of lots of people who know nothing about bees. The ingenuity of the human mind to Heath Robinson is astounding. There is a long and necessarily detailed question from somebody who has kept bees but the answer is that details haven’t been worked out but he plans to.
He’s Russian. He probably has more on his mind right now.

He's had 10,005 comments and has answered or personally "liked" a massive number of them. Give the bloke his due; his nationality or place of residence is not pertinent to this discussion unless we;re talking about the climatic conditions that prevail there.
Well ... bottle hives in the UK ? ... Do you really want to know why they are not a good idea ?

Perhaps with your new found knowledge from youtube.........

Is there now any point to this thread?

What section is this again?

As a beginner myself I would not describe this as a friendly and welcoming forum overall.

I think that some longstanding posters here could take a step back and consider how their posts may seem to others. If a few did that rather than continuing posting in the same vein that would be a good point to this thread.

I think we can criticise keeping bees in a plastic bottle though, don’t you?

So it doesn't work then?

In my one thread about starting up where there are not many who keep bees at all I asked about what introducing honey bees would do to the bees that are here already. Only one response to that part I think. The nearest poster to me in that is, at a guess, more than 100 miles either south or east but I'm still advised as if the advice given must not be disagreed with. We know best.
Have you actually watched the original video that has been referenced on this thread?

Maybe you would prefer this's a running commentary of that video from a couple of U.S. beekeepers. They're trying hard to hate it but really can't find fault with the beekeeping. :)

I don’t understand what you mean. I wasn’t critical of it at all.
What section is this again?

As a beginner myself I would not describe this as a friendly and welcoming forum overall.

I think that some longstanding posters here could take a step back and consider how their posts may seem to others. If a few did that rather than continuing posting in the same vein that would be a good point to this thread.

So it doesn't work then?

In my one thread about starting up where there are not many who keep bees at all I asked about what introducing honey bees would do to the bees that are here already. Only one response to that part I think. The nearest poster to me in that is, at a guess, more than 100 miles either south or east but I'm still advised as if the advice given must not be disagreed with. We know best.
Well now Hairy. People are allowed to criticise black bees, orange bees, TF importation of bees, poly hives, and even God help us bees in plastic bottles.
As for what section this is , it’s not the beginners section.
The OP is not a beginner at this.
I am a beginner though?

And sure, ok. I think one needs to be drunk to make sense of this thread now :unsure:
Well you have a sense of humour. You are obviously very well educated. I said you weren’t a beginner at this, not beekeeping.😉
Well you have a sense of humour. You are obviously very well educated. I said you weren’t a beginner at this, not beekeeping.😉

Anyway, thanks for the Phil Chandler link. Just watching his YT channel about the top bar hive.

Anyway, thanks for the Phil Chandler link. Just watching his YT channel about the top bar hive.
started with To Bar hives.
Gave up and moved to Langstroth as TBHs are very difficult to manage. But if all you want to do is have bees in your garden,they are fine. Just don't think about moving them more than 30 meters.
Well now Hairy. People are allowed to criticise black bees, orange bees, TF importation of bees, poly hives, and even God help us bees in plastic bottles.
As for what section this is , it’s not the beginners section.
The OP is not a beginner at this.
So the hello intro section can also be we'll give you a load of stick section? To a beginner in beekeeping?
I don't think anyone is suggesting criticism is not a wonderful thing.
The tone of some of you while criticising is not.
That's three or four beginners in this thread criticising some of the long term posters behaviour here, but keep popping at the newbies by all means.
Beekeepers have seen an influx in recent years (both here and in there associations) of new beekeepers who think honeybees are in danger and want to give them a home, not treat them with horrible chemicals and not steal their precious honey, there's an handful of these in every beginners course we run.

Part of the reaction you are getting is down to this and having had these conversations numerous times already. The worst case outcome is they end up bringing a unmanaged disease spreading colony to your area.
You are not to the first to come with these ideas and won't be the last
You are. Where did I say I was critical? I said we ( the forum ) CAN

Pedantry leads to context, you implied that you agreed with @Swarm, in that he wouldn't criticise someone keeping bees in a skep, but you suggested that the keeping of bees in a bottle doesn't share that protection from criticism. ;)
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