new forest

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Oh dear me...
I thought people were being quite gentle too.
for what it is worth, keeping bees is more than just another interest, its a passion!! if you ask questions you should be prepared to listen to the answers,
good luck to you sir.
Careful Newforest, they don't like it up em you know. :icon_204-2:
Careful Newforest, they don't like it up em you know. :icon_204-2:

After some sound advice the new beekeeper who, clearly, is of a sensitive nature and appears, already, not to need any of the good advice offered - Has left the building.

Sorry Johnny, in this case, I don't think it's forum members that DLIUT ....

However ... for those who want to enlarge their knowledge of beekeeping in three short days The New Forest Show this year is on 28th/29th & 30th July and is an excellent event for all the family ... lots to see and do and there's always a beekeeping tent there as well ...

Well i'm confused now.
The advice was pretty accurate I thought.
Oh dear

I was only trying to protect him from the vented spleens of Finman, O90O etc!!
I guess he was wanting to collect nectar before he'd even learnt to clean out cells.
I wish him good luck in his journey into beekeeping.

I think some lucky person will be getting free bees come the summer in the new forest area though.
hopefully he will.

:ohthedrama: Electronic communication (forums and email) is a completely different ball-game compared to face to face conversation, of which 90% is tone of voice, facial expression, the silent pauses, none of which travel well even when using smilies... :dupe::icon_204-2::banghead::leaving: :thanks:
I'm beginning to think that forums rather like one which is for another of my interests - photography - is not the best way forward This site is slower than Eurotunnel.

My first sentance would indicate that I have put ore study than being "converted" by a single book. Several books in fact as well as time spent in conversation withmembers of the local beekeeper's association. As a member of the New Forest show I am there for the full 3 days and there is the beekeeping tent

Varroa - yes aware of it

costs - again done it. As a competant woodworker - as well as a lifetime being involved with animals I don't see that at least buying flat pack & doing assembly myself can help to defray costs

apart from 4 nucs being over ambitious - I would not want overwintered ones, but rather one in late spring - then I will be joining the local beekeeper's association and follow their advice

Not sure how your first sentance (sic) indicates an extensive study. Maybe I'm missing something?
Perhaps you ought to stop digging the hole you are creating any deeper than it already is?
There is fantastic opportunity to learn how to keep bees properly on this site if you listen to the contributions from knowledgeable members but some of them can be a little rough if you demonstrate reluctance to listen to wisdom. You ain't met the big beasts yet :nopity:
read Dr Croft's book several times


time spent in conversation with members of the local beekeeper's association. As a member of the New Forest show I am there for the full 3 days and there is the beekeeping tent-

Wow - a real expert already then - no point mixing with the bumbling amateurs on here then.

I would not want overwintered ones, but rather one in late spring - then I will be joining the local beekeeper's association and follow their advice
Bit of a horse/cart arrangement issue here - join a BKA first, get some proper knowledge under your belt then get a couple of nucs...........

Not sure how your first sentance (sic) indicates an extensive study. Maybe I'm missing something?
Perhaps you ought to stop digging the hole you are creating any deeper than it already is?
There is fantastic opportunity to learn how to keep bees properly on this site if you listen to the contributions from knowledgeable members but some of them can be a little rough if you demonstrate reluctance to listen to wisdom. You ain't met the big beasts yet :nopity:

try this sitehttp://www.--------------------/contact/beekeeping-forum/

last paragraph says it all given contradictory posts on this thread eg is the bee tent at the NFS any good to learn about beekeeping or not and ones just plain nasty

Big beasts? are they on this forum? Do you mean bees? In that do you know??

Why did Blackadder start talking to himself?
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