Having just started with actual bees this year, I suggest as above you make contact with local beekeepers. See if you can handle their bees in their apiaries. That way you will get to see if beekeeping is really for you.
If it is, then over the winter do your reading and research ( agree with above about Ted Hoopers book).
Speak with the beekeepers you have made contact with in your area about the commonest hives and pros and cons for each. Going for the commonest makes it easier for people to help you in your early days when you run out of bits. Then over winter you could even build your own hive ( from scratch - many plans on internet _ Scottish beekeepers site is good, or from flat pack etc).
Late winter get on a theory course, followed by a practical course in early summer - the contacts I have made this way through local BKA, have been invaluable. Even got given a nuc to get me going.
Worked for me and I am really enjoying myself, Good luck