neighbours liveing next door who are not happy

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New Bee
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Kidderminster Worcestershire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 + nuc
Ok first of all i have had my bee hive down my grandads garden for around 14-16moths now and never been a problem. About 1-2months befor next door moved in. Last night after catching a ferel swam in my bait box at work. I tuck them to my grandads ot put them in a small hive but the queen got away just befor i could soke them in sugger water so stick them all together or clip her wings "my mistake and lesson learnt". But there where alot of bees flying around for 20mins and the setteled on a tree about 40yards away.

In this time next door came round and had ago well kind of at my grandad altho the bloke seams ok person. He came round besause the has put his little girls wendy house next to the fence near my bees :banghead: and he does not want to move it.
They where playing in the wendy house at the time i didnot know this otherwiss i would of left it till latter in the day, as he only moved the wendy house 2 days ago. But the main proplem is that the wife/mom is not happy with them being there. She is home all day and nothing better to do i guess. And was upset that her kid could not go out and play for 20min and other things was said i wasnt there at the time i was trying to sort the bees out, but i guess there is more to come from this as she seem to want them gone?

As what are the odds my mom in a shop in town and heard the woman talking with her husband and some other woman in a supermarket. Sounded angery and said there illegal bees and i should not have them and then he said that he the husband said to the two women that he would have a word with me about it. So this is on going iam yet to have this conversation !

No one was stung and it was all over in 20mins tops so no harm was done and the first time i have had any problem and i have never lost a swarm from my hives. sometimes i wish i hadent baited this swarm now :( But i feel this is only the begining of thisn with them now.

Can anyone help me with what i should do or advice ???????????????

All the best Ryan
Illegal Bees??

Bees a wild animals.

Sounds like a civil matter to me.
Prejudice, ignorance and young children all in the same argument make for a powerful mix of emotions. I suspect there is nothing you can do or say that can placate or give confidence to your neighbours. In order to give at least some spatial separation you are asking your neighbours to modify their use of their garden.

Not what you want to hear but I think this is a case of too close a proximity to neighbours and time to look for a traditional out apiary. If you keep in a urban environment then you need the support and tollerance of your neighbours and it seems you have unfortunately lost this.

Additionally, how would you feel if the neighbours did get a serious sting attack, kids or not? R
It's not the law you have to worry about.

It's the nanny/heath & Saftey/Sue culture state that we currently live in that you have to worry about.
This is a shame and you wont be the last best move them given that we on this forum have had a number of threads regarding adverse or even possible adverse reactions to bee stings. Its understandable how parents are protective over the children when in close proximity to hives and perhaps the right thing sorry but it makes sense.
Its all alittle enoying really as if they where out shopping or watching TV i would not be posting this till next time lol I know where they are comeing from and i do understand there point of veiw. I will know in a fue days as iam shore he will catch up with me sooner or latter, and i will keep you all posted on what happens. Iam shore they already know that there normaly/always, all but once well behaved.

If it comes to it i can/will move them to may dads 5 houses up the street on the same side but as a last resort.
Hi Ryan, I really feel for you. I can see both sides of the argument but disputes with neighbours can be difficult particularly when feelings are running high. Try and talk to them and take a jar of honey as a peace offerring. Tell them that you are looking for somewhere to re-locate your hives but explain that this has to be 3miles away in the interim. Suggest that they might like to look in a hive and see what is going on. Borrow a suit and give them a tour. Explain bees don't want to sting as they will die. Give them a can of insect bite spray just in case. Turn on the charm. If you have patience read the fable of 'The Rich man and the Tanner'. The patience of the tanner overcomes the rich mans wishes because eventually he tires of moaning about the tanner's business.
Problem is if they contact the council, the council WILL make you move them.

We had a lad up here who had bees for 3 years before his neighbours discovered he had them. With no complaints at all.

A week after they found out there were bees the council was around saying he had to move them due to complaints. Boy didn't have a hope.
Its not illegal to keep bees, and as long as thier not overly aggresive, tell the neighbours to f@$k off!

Not the most subtle of approaches! If the bees had been even noticed before this event then they would not have placed the Wendy house there, so this needs to be talked through.

Ignorance is a dangerous thing. Can you move the hives foot at a time away from the playhouse? Put up some trendy sparrow screen or whatever it's called and ensure you provide plenty grubby water for your bees to drink. Is there open country in any direction?

(And yes I am the female parent of several so ought to be prone to disproportionate acts of protectiveness...well I am...over drugs and motorbikes anyway which do way more harm than bees).
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(And yes I am the female parent of several so ought to be prone to disproportionate acts of protectiveness...well I am...over drugs and motorbikes anyway which do way more harm than bees).

Am feeling the need to defend the biker fraternity ... I am sure the kids would be fine on bikes (like I wasn't) if it were not for the poor values and upbringing within the family - so it's your fault!:D
Not the most subtle of approaches!


I am fed up with people interfering in other peoples business. If the neighbours dont like what you are doing on your property, they dont HAVE to keep looking over the fence do they?

Trouble is, too many people seem to think that they have the right to poke thier noses where it is not wanted and impose thier useless opinion on others.

I used to be nice... :D
Problem with all of this is, so far you've said they've been ok other than ONE incident!!!....but there you have only takes one!

As for them putting the wendy house near your bees, well sorry, but whereever they want to put items in their garden is up to them, I wouldnt take to kindly to someone telling me where about on my property my kids can play. I wouldnt have even put it past them to put it as close to the hives as possible to give them more of a case when they go to the council.

I have to admit after seeing the state of some colonies in urban back yards and gardens, its just a ticking timebomb waiting to go bang. A lot of beekeepers especially newer inexperienced ones, can be unaware of whats going on on the neighbours side of the fence, and also take quite a while going through colonies that would take an experienced beek a couple of minutes. All can add up to quite an annoyance if you are someone that doesnt like bees to start with!

For you it is an inconvenience, but for your neighbours it is stopping them enjoying their garden wether that is through ignorance or not.

I wouldnt even move them to your dads 5 doors away, it sounds like you will just be delaying the inevitable...try to find an out for all parties
You won't be able to move them to your dad's unless you are going to do it one foot every day which may take a while.

If you move them in one go there really will be a problem because the flying bees will all return to the original spot and just mill about unable to find their new lodgings.

So don't give up too soon thinking that will provide you with an easy solution.

If you can I would try and find an out apiary - the landowner will actually be pleased to see your bees instead of being angry and offish about it which will make beekeeping much more pleasurable, if a little more time consuming re travel.

And getting revenge on the neighbours will give you something to do in the winter.:xmas-smiley-016:
ive supplied all my neighbours with free honey so they love me and my bees and they also have kids:) im a very lucky beek i suppose:):)
I have to admit after seeing the state of some colonies in urban back yards and gardens, its just a ticking timebomb waiting to go bang. A lot of beekeepers especially newer inexperienced ones, can be unaware of whats going on on the neighbours side of the fence, and also take quite a while going through colonies that would take an experienced beek a couple of minutes. All can add up to quite an annoyance if you are someone that doesnt like bees to start with!

My hives or back yard is hardly a state and is inclosed at the bottom of the garaden with woodn 8ft fence around them takes me 5mins a colonie so i hardly take forever. I think your missing the point my bees dont go in there garden. Its only because the feral swarm i got swarmed as i faild to catch the queen in time my hives all three or them are never a problem.
Well I think its all a bit of a shame :banghead: Seeing as A) the bees were there first. B) they built a Wendy house so close C) something more amicable cant be sorted out !! Agreed they the kids should be able to play in there own garden, But also you should be able to keep bees there to. My grandad used to keep bees on a estate where he lived in a small garden and never had a problem. I think you need to go and talk to them and see what can be done. Education is key. Dont tel them to do 1 ;o)
You won't be able to move them to your dad's unless you are going to do it one foot every day which may take a while.

If you move them in one go there really will be a problem because the flying bees will all return to the original spot and just mill about unable to find their new lodgings.

So don't give up too soon thinking that will provide you with an easy solution.

If you can I would try and find an out apiary - the landowner will actually be pleased to see your bees instead of being angry and offish about it which will make beekeeping much more pleasurable, if a little more time consuming re travel.

And getting revenge on the neighbours will give you something to do in the winter.:xmas-smiley-016:

Yep i know "iam sucking eggs here, i can move them to where i work 4 miles away for a week so that problem wont be a problem.

I have a possible out apiary but i would like to keep away from this if possible.

I cant even have revenge really as its at my grandads house not mine :banghead: