National Beehive Count ..... Hmmmm.

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Shame they don't bring back dog registration as well. It will help with all the F****** dog **** that is still over the pavement and paths and parks

Cannot see how dog registration is going to stop them shitting everywhere.
Cannot see how dog registration is going to stop them shitting everywhere.

If I catch the dog that some owner lets carp in our garden, the owner will find its muddy paws will not just be muddy..and its wet nose not just wet.
If I catch the dog that some owner lets carp in our garden, the owner will find its muddy paws will not just be muddy..and its wet nose not just wet.

When my sister had a similar problem my brother in law found out where the culprit lived, the next time it happened he went over there, knocked on the door and when she answered just handed the turd over in his gloved hand (he worked on the bin lorries then) saying 'I think this is yours' and walked away - it's never happened again
Registration is compulsory in many countries now, as for paying a registration fee, it is a good idea, many only keep bees as a hobby and have plenty of money to throw at their hobby, but it would be important that the money is used to maintain the inspection service, and not go the same way as over there.

Another good thing they could do is make it compulsory for every beekeeper to have to pass a test on bee disease recognition and control, and charge a small fee for this also, this would at least help to cut the general ignorance about bee diseases with regards not knowing what they are looking at.

I hate this approach of you cant do owt without a course, a test, and piece of paper. Its just a scam for the training companies and for the licensing wallahs.
it will just be used to fund the bureaucracy of the latest set of initials.

Derek - Self Accredited Autodidact
We've had compulsory registration forever. In July past, they levied a $10/apiary registration fee. After much debate with our Dep't of Agriculture, we got them to promise us they would use the $$ to help fund the inspection program.

In the last few years, the State has used the bee inspector's time to fill in jobs within the department. This of course to balance the budget. So last spring, I couldn't get an inspection for the nucs I planned to sell. I know they're not diseased, but I wanted a certificate to protect myself. Nope...not enough time.

Now the inspector has taken the "early retirement" scheme...again to balance the budget. The plan is to slim down the work force, and these retirements aren't being refilled. Now we have no inspector, and the job hasn't been posted, and we still have to pay the fee.

And this with my apiaries being surrounded by new beekeepers with onesies/twosies...and suckers for cheap used equipment found in old barns. And these new bees thinking they are helping to improve the bees by having a couple hives in their backyard...which they never examine and never do anything for controlling varroa, and couldn't identify brood diseases if one bit them on the ass. And our inspector is gone. Cute!

Bees have to be registered but assault weapons do not! funny world ... :)
must have mighty deadly bees in vermont :)
I gather Chuck Heston wasnt a beekeeper
We've had compulsory registration ever since I've been beekeeping, apparently in order that outbreaks of disease can be monitored, which i think is excellent.

Like Mike In Vermont, our inspector has been cut (notice i say "inspector", not plural) for the whole of Bretagne. Outrageous really. Ive never been inspected and know of places where their is occasionally Foul Brood, A friend who i let have some bees was inspected, so i suppose i was actually inspected, second hand lol

Saying that though, registration is free and the official word from all my older beekeeping mates is, "you only declare your production hives", because you only made the nucs recently and anyway they never get disease, do they!!:beatdeadhorse5:
I hate this approach of you cant do owt without a course, a test, and piece of paper.

I don't, a free for all eh! dread to think of people driving around in cars, buses, lorries, and long list of other things without any form of training or tests.
In Finland that same registeration is not popular. It comes from EU, I suppose.

Updating is always a problem in registers. And nowadays.... without internet connection.

Practical proplem is that there is no computer and net system where you write data and keep updated.

Number of hives change every year. Last summer it was +100% and next summer I do not know.

Are they really going to update their register with papers and every year.

One guy asked, how and where he can look, are his data right?

And addres, where are those hives, when vet want to look diseases?
My hives are here and there, and next week there and here. I have not a plan. If I see yellow rape field, some hives are on the field next morning, and perhaps somewhere else next week.

Does vet has time to drive to that direction 20 km and 50 km to that direction?

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I don't, a free for all eh! dread to think of people driving around in cars, buses, lorries, and long list of other things without any form of training or tests.

moderation is needed in such things but seldom taken. And the legislation has scant regard for logic. If it was peril that drove things you would to take a test to ride a horse and the horse would bet tested every few years, particularly since the peril is 20 times that of riding a motorcycle.
I hate this approach of you cant do owt without a course, a test, and piece of paper. Its just a scam for the training companies and for the licensing wallahs.
it will just be used to fund the bureaucracy of the latest set of initials.

Derek - Self Accredited Autodidact

I totally agree... you get some clueless clown who has never been out of a office making rules and regulations up that requires folk to take a coarse of some sort that cost money, pathetic if you ask me there's scams of all kinds to make the government more money.

One thing i would like to know though IS how the hell are they going to know who has hives and who has not, and i will tell you this for nothing they are not getting a penny out of me unless it benefits me in some way.
it will just be used to fund the bureaucracy of the latest set of initials


If it was peril that drove things you would to take a test to ride a horse and the horse would bet tested every few years, particularly since the peril is 20 times that of riding a motorcycle.

And so they should be, so therefore even more training, testing and pieces of paper needed, not less.
Horses have to have passports anyway, so part of the paperwork is in place.
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What's the big deal? - one thing these figures will do is determine how much funding we get from the EC so do you really want to give the impression of a lower figure?
Beebase is there for a good reason and it's no big deal to pop in now and then to update it. I usually do it a couple of times a year - once when all the hives are prepared to go through winter (as they are then brought in to a couple of apiaries for convenience) and then at the beginning of the summer when the colonies are settled and at their summer quarters.
I think it's beholden on a beekeeper to register with beebase and keep apiary records up to date, anyone who doesn't is a reckless fool IMHO


We should all be supporting BeeBase. It is there to help and inform beekeepers particularly if you have colonies at risk from AFB &EFB. I have all my apiaries registered and have in the past had one placed under a control order because of a nearby outbreak of EFB.
Last year there was an outbreak of AFB in a neighbouring association area. The hives had originated in our area. The NBI told me that they needed to check 10 or so apiaries in the area. I said you must be only checking a small area. No was the reply it is a 4 km radius. I can tell you of 10 association members and at least 15 apiaries in the zone. BUT there were only 10 apiaries registered on BeeBase.
I do not believe in compulsion, however, I think that all beekeepers, including Monty Dons back yard idiots, should register their apiaries.
As for those of you who have been asked to assist with gathering data, use your common sense and help.
A two edged sword indeed... but can you trust this government?

Any registration and monitoring of bee colonies would be better if administered by a non profit making organisation like the BBKA... as most beekeepers belong to it anyway???

Nos da
Does anybody - OK, it seems there are lots - that believe a simple census, like the above, will be evidence for being given a chunk of funding from the beaurocrats? Get real, they will accept numbers of colonies from the data collected from you by the regional or seasonal inspectors.

What would happen if everyone filled in misleading figures, like 100 colonies instead of two (one could count the number of queen cells at the time and assume each one could make a colony?) Likely only the french get away with tricks like that.

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