We've had compulsory registration forever. In July past, they levied a $10/apiary registration fee. After much debate with our Dep't of Agriculture, we got them to promise us they would use the $$ to help fund the inspection program.
In the last few years, the State has used the bee inspector's time to fill in jobs within the department. This of course to balance the budget. So last spring, I couldn't get an inspection for the nucs I planned to sell. I know they're not diseased, but I wanted a certificate to protect myself. Nope...not enough time.
Now the inspector has taken the "early retirement" scheme...again to balance the budget. The plan is to slim down the work force, and these retirements aren't being refilled. Now we have no inspector, and the job hasn't been posted, and we still have to pay the fee.
And this with my apiaries being surrounded by new beekeepers with onesies/twosies...and suckers for cheap used equipment found in old barns. And these new bees thinking they are helping to improve the bees by having a couple hives in their backyard...which they never examine and never do anything for controlling varroa, and couldn't identify brood diseases if one bit them on the ass. And our inspector is gone. Cute!