I realised that one the forumites lives just round the corner from me, so having worked that out we arranged to meet up to find and mark his queen and to move the fancy painted beehive to the apiary where they want to film it in its splendour for the Adopt a Beehive scheme.
Both operations went smoothly. It is brilliant not to have had to move the hive on my own.
Where might the film crew want the hive placed to show it off to its best advantage? I asked forumite, but then we realised that this was not something either of us had much of a clue about.
Both operations went smoothly. It is brilliant not to have had to move the hive on my own.
Where might the film crew want the hive placed to show it off to its best advantage? I asked forumite, but then we realised that this was not something either of us had much of a clue about.