Multiple Eggs in Some Cells

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Robert Denny

New Bee
Mar 11, 2021
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Number of Hives
A swarm I collected about a month ago, has a mated queen, which is marked. They are over about 6 frames.
Last week I saw frames with eggs and brood in a reasonable pattern but not prolific. However, on an outer, partially drawn frame, there were cells with multiple eggs in them.
This week I saw the queen and there are eggs and brood but some cells, more widespread across the brood area, had multiple eggs in.
On two frames there were 5 smallish capped queen cells, which I took down to see if the produced a decent QC or to re-queen if they don’t.
My thinking on the possibilitiesus:
She is a failing queen but can/do they lay multiple (2or3) eggs per cell?
Her pheromones are failing and the worker bees are losing the inhibition to lay eggs?

What are the Forum’s thoughts?
To clarify; I marked her (blue, because that was the pen to hand) but have no idea if her age.
To clarify; I marked her (blue, because that was the pen to hand) but have no idea if her age.
If she is an older queen they are probably trying to replace her. Where I live at this time of year I would obtain a new queen, there is not often enough time for a virgin to get mated and lay up enough winter bees before the weather turns. I don't know where you are so ask another local keeper what s/he does in your scenario. Before you requeen consider - are you getting lots and lots of drone brood at this time? Is the hive now full of laying workers? Is it too late to put in a new queen?