To refer to the original question by GuyNir. A friend took my bees to look after for me while I was receiving chemo last year. Two of my colonies were in a Beehaus = 14x12 frames (I started keeping bees when our son in law bought us a surprise Christmas present.) On their return I had to transfer them back into my 14x12s. I was advised to put the nationals at one side of the brood box and gradually remove them as the brood emerged. However, Queen kept laying in them. I put the National brood box and a queen excluder on top of my 14x12 brood box containing the queen, some drawn comb so that Queen could lay and the rest new foundation. All the brood emerged safely. I was left with a few frames containing nectar so I laid those on top of the crown board, having taken away the national box, and the bees emptied them.