I havent had a proper paid job since the end of November, being self employed is tricky, and others in household are not net contributors, so times have been lean.
I have been trying to make a bit of money from the bees, as lentils are delicious, but you don't want to eat pulses at every meal. So far, I upped the price of my honey by 5% on 1st April and have been making up nucs which I am now selling. Neither of these activities will make me rich, but it has been a fantastic Spring and I've really enjoyed being outside with the bees during lockdown.
Interesting how long talking to people about buying and looking after nucs takes, but I feel happier knowing the girls will be going to a good home and be properly looked after.
Went out to collect a swarm today. The orginal prime swarm had gone, but there was another cast swarm about 50 yds away. I had stopped collecting other people's swarms because of the disease risk, but didn't want them just left there or going feral either, so now I have the time agreed to get them.
A few people stopped to chat and someone asked me if I wanted to put bees on her allotment and gave me her number, so even if the bees are no good, it was a nice afternoon.
I've put the swarm in the front garden, away from the other bees. Hoping they are hidden from husband and neighbours
I have been trying to make a bit of money from the bees, as lentils are delicious, but you don't want to eat pulses at every meal. So far, I upped the price of my honey by 5% on 1st April and have been making up nucs which I am now selling. Neither of these activities will make me rich, but it has been a fantastic Spring and I've really enjoyed being outside with the bees during lockdown.
Interesting how long talking to people about buying and looking after nucs takes, but I feel happier knowing the girls will be going to a good home and be properly looked after.
Went out to collect a swarm today. The orginal prime swarm had gone, but there was another cast swarm about 50 yds away. I had stopped collecting other people's swarms because of the disease risk, but didn't want them just left there or going feral either, so now I have the time agreed to get them.
A few people stopped to chat and someone asked me if I wanted to put bees on her allotment and gave me her number, so even if the bees are no good, it was a nice afternoon.
I've put the swarm in the front garden, away from the other bees. Hoping they are hidden from husband and neighbours