Rich, coming from a man that uses 'pronounciation'.
Rich, coming from a man that uses 'pronounciation'.
So basically the beeb were fed a load of sh!t and they swallowed it (funnily enough it was a favourite pastime for some of the beeb's employees if some of the house raids I was involved with back in the '90's were anything to go by)
Seems there are still great numbers of the general public beng drawn into certain methods of beekeeping described as "natural" by a so called charity.
The Bee Inspector who burned all my combs post AFB etc said that most TBHs she examines are in a disgusting state: cross combed, dirty, wax left on the ground around the hive,, etc etc..and are a real pia to inspect..
decided to complain
i am dismayed that the program suggested obtaining a swarm of Honey Bees from a local beekeepers organisation then leaving them unattended in a hive in urban gardens, it is us who will have to clear up the mess as unattended the hive will issue multiple swarms into the urban environment which is an environment that according to professor Ratniek of the laboratory of Apiculture and Social Insects, University of Sussex) has already far to many beehives. Hidden hives are a constant source of disease, including Varroa ,Deformed wing Virus ,European and american foul brood ,the later subject to destruction orders similar to Foot and Mouth disease
it is also a sure way of alienating beekeepers to the general public who fear swarms i have already had two calls from the XXXXX area asking it they can have a swarm, my answer ,No
I am amazed any local BKA would give a swarm to anyone not under their supervision.
well, the term was good enough for George Demarree, Louis Snelgrove and, i believe Robert Orlando branch Manley - so let's not go there shall we?What does that say about all the beeks on this forum who insist their queens etc hatch?
Muswell metro i have just built a TBH for the garden and cant find your no please help LOL