Mobile phone masts

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Field Bee
Aug 28, 2013
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Looking at an apiary site under a mobile mast. I know nothing about masts and any effects on bees.
the bees will get a good signal if they need to phone anyone :spy:
I know that pylons and phone masts are not exactly the same,but....
When we ere looking for an apiary site about 5 years ago,the site which ticked most of the wish-list was directly under a High Tension line (10,000V I think) and perhaps 50yds from the nearest pylon.
After some agonising over the possible effects on the bees,the site's other advantages took precedence over our concerns about electro-magnetic field.The bees have done well and are no different in behaviour from other bees kept by my fellow-apiarists elsewhere,despite the dire warnings from some quarters about pylons causing "angry bees".
The fields emitted from both mobile phone masts and from high-tension lines obey the inverse-square law,so unless you are in REALLY close proximity (feet rather than yards) I don't suppose there is much effect.
Their Sat nav work better with a good signal

I think this was brought up before and the general consensus was masts, pylons and nuclear power stations have no adverse affect on bees
thanks for the all other respects the site has everything a bee could want.
I'm only laughing as I asked the very same question when I started lol
Go for it if it's a good site

I took my Basic exam in 1976. The bees were directly under a pylon and were good as gold. Still got the pass certificate, still learning though!
(10,000V I think)

It would have been 11kV.

That is not very high. 415 000 is much more of a problem. Just a factor of x40!

I know that pylons and phone masts are not exactly the same,but....
When we ere looking for an apiary site about 5 years ago,the site which ticked most of the wish-list was directly under a High Tension line (10,000V I think) and perhaps 50yds from the nearest pylon.
After some agonising over the possible effects on the bees,the site's other advantages took precedence over our concerns about electro-magnetic field.The bees have done well and are no different in behaviour from other bees kept by my fellow-apiarists elsewhere,despite the dire warnings from some quarters about pylons causing "angry bees".
The fields emitted from both mobile phone masts and from high-tension lines obey the inverse-square law,so unless you are in REALLY close proximity (feet rather than yards) I don't suppose there is much effect.

I have friends who keep their bees under the four legs of high tension electricity pylon in a field of OSR, Their really worry is not about the health of the bees but will the full supers will get high enough in OSR season to shortout the mast (Sic) its the most productive site they have
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There was a photo on here a couple of years back where a swarm had taken up residence and we're living on the outside of a substation. They seemed happy enough............ Until winter.

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