mentor/teacher Stafford

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New Bee
Mar 17, 2011
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Good Morning.

I am interested in keeping Bees. I have looked into doing a course at Shugborough and it seems that their course is well over populated this year. I really want to be able to learn this year so I can get set up next year.

I have downloaded the first three study notes of the BBKA course and am slowly reading through those but am fiding it hard going. I'm half way through the first module and not a great deal is sinking in as I cannot relate it to anything. They also seem to assume you know a tiny bit already, they don't start from absolute basics. For example it mentions Queens, Drones, worker bees etc. I know what a Queen is and her basic job. I know worker bees are the pollen collectors, but I have no idea what a Drone is. I'm guessing it's the male bee that fertilizes the queen's eggs but I may be wrong (Don't Laugh). If I'm right why do you need more than one? (maybe it's in teh notes and I haven't reached there yet).

What I need is somebody local who I can visit once every couple of weeks, (maybe every other saturday) and who I can help do their 'bee' jobs with. I'm happy to pay for this experience. I'm not the most wealthiest person in the world, but £10 for an hour or so a time wont break the bank.

If anybody can offer their services I'd greatly appreciate it.

Many thanks

Get a copy of Ted Hopers book "Guide to Bees and Honey" - Amazon cheapest. It is without doubt the best book to start off with and good read too. And as you are reading it, join your local BKA (see http://************************/local_associations.php)and attend any apiary sessions they run, which will be towards end of April probably and if that whets your appetite further, get some bees and play. An amazing hobby for which one doen't need qualifications initially if one is at all of a practical bent as that can follow later.
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I agree with Afermo totally but just wanted to welcome you to the forum.

I hope you stay on the board as I am sure you will find a lot of interesting threads. and feel free to ask any questions...everyone's keen to help,
all the best,

I think that the queen may be replaced during the season either by swarming or some natural disaster or age. Having a supply of male drones on hand will help the new queen be mated (also adds to the local gene pool for other queens too).
At the end of the year the drones are expelled from the hive and die as they add nothing to colony survival over winter and would just consume resources.

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your welcome to come along to the apiary meetings at Shug, Mark, even if you aren't on the beginners course....

there's lots to be learnt, including how to do things the wrong way (that's the bit I teach!!)

you'll get to meeting the local keepers and it'll be a good way to find out who's producing nuc's this year....

the 1st "beginners" Apiary day is on 30th April, thereafter we meet every saturday, feel free to come along and say "hi"
Thanks all for the messages.

Winmag - I certainly will be joining you any time I am invited, it's typical that the day you have this meeting I will be on holiday in Slovakia with a good Slovakian friend of mine who instisted I go see his country. I guess they are not weekly meetings? How often do they occur? I don't mind joining the SSBA, is this the association who host the meetings?

Arfermo, just ordered that book, I hope it's easier going than the study notes.

Still my offer stands, if somebody in Stafford fancies teaching me some things do let me know. I can't really start up until I have the money together to buy the hives etc any way so it'll probably not be until next year before I can buy my own set-up which gives me a year to learn.
Winmag beat me to it.

See you there

:hurray: yay me!! First at something at last...

you don't need an invite, just come along and say hello

we are there every saturday morning well into the season, but only on saturdays unfortunately...

yep, it's the SSBKA who meet at Shugborough

pm me for details on how to find "us"

I'd suggest you come along this year, as you'll get "hands on" experience of bees quite quickly (beekeeping might not suit you and until you've actually been into a hive and there's only one way to find out...) then do the beginners course next year..... you'll be geared up for what to expect / equipment you'll need / where to obtain decent bees / etc for next season that way

or do it the way I did...... (told you i teach the "how not to" section!!)

have a chat with the folks at the apiary, you may stumble across a mentor their (it's not unheard of, just ask Andrea who foolishly is "learning the wrong way" this year :D)

oh by the way, Silly Bee's apple sauce for the roast pork at the annual BBQ was the dog's danglies, so join just for that if nothing else :drool5:
I visited Christine's bees in Shareshill today and I must say... It was a great experience. My wife and I (bit more of my wife than I) decided that bees are NOT for our garden.. HOWEVER... I'm in discussions with my local allotment site which is the next street to ours so very close, about keeping bees on a rented allotment. Failing that I'll approach a local farmer. Edita (my wife) runs a hair salon in Eccleshall and is always cutting farmers wive's hair and she'll chat to them for me if I need.

Looking good!

I'm off to Slovakia for the last week in April and I'm told you can get good value suits there so I'll be picking one up when I go.

I'm going to sort out membership for the SSBKA tommorrow.

Needless to say, things are moving now in a good direction.

WINMAG - are they come rain or shine meetings or just good weather meetings? Also, where about on the Shugborough site is the meeting?

If you need to send a map please do so to [email protected]

Thanks for everybodies advice.

WINMAG - are they come rain or shine meetings or just good weather meetings?

Good weather helps, but there's a marquee where we chat and have a brew, so rain or shine matters not....

Also, where about on the Shugborough site is the meeting?

I've sent you a pm, give me a call.....

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