Mask type oa

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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Have I got this right that any of those FFP3 mask will do? Seen those throw away looking things in screw fix, they ok to use with oa?
Ok thanks, I need a local shop though, only have screw fix and tool station.
Thanks Red, I'll pick it up tomorrow : )
In order to get a mask to work, you need to ensure that there is a good deal against your skin. If you have a beard or stubble, you seriously compromise the performance.

You don't specifically need a mask that removes organic vapour, as the OA will have recrystallised by the time it reaches you, but it will be present as very fine particles so you need a good performing mask.

The screwfix one above is only P2, so actually has ten times poorer performance for particulate than the FFP3 you indicated in your first post.

Edited to add : Erichalfbee is spot on above.
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I started off with a half face mask and goggles.
Upgraded to:3M Reusable Full Face Mask Respirator 6800
If your using the sublimator or another type of active vaporizer then you just feel 100% more comfortable knowing your sealed off.
Now I wouldn't use anything else. It seals everytime so messing with ajustments.
I use the A2 organic acid filtres with the pp3 particulate as with the active vaporisers your are surrounded by vapour so knowing I'm safe from all eventualities allows you to enjoy the moment and get on with job.
Its better to be too safe than not safe enough.Oxalic vapour isn't something I fancy in my lungs ,I had a whiff of chlorine gas years ago put me in hospital overnight after that I'm always wary of any vapour.
But do you?
Surely a particulate mask is all that is required?
You're not dealing with a gas but a sublimate

Mind you, if I was vaporising in a way some of these youtube videos demonstrate I would have my whole head encased

I do. If you read the safety spec sheet you would. It's a bit of a bind under a suit and the likely hood of getting a lung full s remote but if a gust of wind came it could be a different story. Incidentally it worth checking your mask when you get it as there may a limited time period from the first time it's used

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Don't be cheap - is damage to your lungs worth it? I use my mask for OAV and when using MAQS. Having tried both without, and having read all the Safety Data Sheets, I realised what I was risking....
Its better to be too safe than not safe enough.Oxalic vapour isn't something I fancy in my lungs ,I had a whiff of chlorine gas years ago put me in hospital overnight after that I'm always wary of any vapour.

That's true, but the mask you recommend above gives significantly poorer protection against particulate that a P3 mask. That's less safe.
Make sure the mask is tight on your face.didn't have a good seal on my 3m one the other day and could feel the vapour hitting my throat
Make sure the mask is tight on your face.didn't have a good seal on my 3m one the other day and could feel the vapour hitting my throat

I've read that the OA vapour makes you 'cough your guts up'. Was it true?
Exposure to too much oxalic can cause lung damage and kidney failure but as with any chemical we use a little bit of common sense goes a long .There are a lot of simple things like checking wind direction, standing well back ect , sadly some will never learn and end up with problems.
A good lungful feels like being hit in the chest with a sledgehammer..
Coughing wouldn't be an option as that would require further breathing in and you won't be able to.
That said , it's a mistake you only make once.
A good lungful feels like being hit in the chest with a sledgehammer..
Coughing wouldn't be an option as that would require further breathing in and you won't be able to.
That said , it's a mistake you only make once.

You obviosly lived to fight another day!
Vaped today and got another wiff when the wind swirled for a second or two so i moved, i am still here though and not spewing my lungs contents into the world, i have vaped over 20 times upto now with no ppe, my best PPE is common sense and wind direction ( Just Saying) ..:rolleyes: