Male/female beekeeper ratio

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House Bee
Aug 6, 2014
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Leicestershire UK
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In an idle moment I've just done a gender search of the forum. Of 5224 members who care to specify a gender, only 479 state 'female'. Less than 10%.
Does that mean that
a) beekeeping is a very male-oriented hobby/occupation
b) ladies are more shy of declaring their gender on an open forum

It would be nice to think that a lot of the remaining 5800 or so members are female and just don't want to say so, but I suspect that's probably not the case. :rolleyes:
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It may be that fora are a man thing.

Most beekeepers I know are blokes as are most of the members of my local BKA
Our beginners section has roughly 1:1. But the older members.. men : women = 9:1.

It's an age thing I think... society 40 years ago was far more male dominated...
I agree, it is men that go on the forums, that doesn't give a fair representation of female beekeepers. In our little unofficial group of about sixteen people in this area the men are slightly outnumbered by the women! To put another slight on it though, all bar one of the women have only been keeping bees for the past three years whereas most of the men have more experience than that! Maybe it is becoming more of a woman's sport!!!
Well sorry if this sounds sexist (obviously won't apply to females on this forum because they have more about them) but 99.9% of women I come across are only interested in coronation street, shoes, x factor, shite music, doting on arseholes and talking about themselves.
Well sorry if this sounds sexist (obviously won't apply to females on this forum because they have more about them) but 99.9% of women I come across are only interested in coronation street, shoes, x factor, shite music, doting on arseholes and talking about themselves.

Well sorry if this sounds sexist (obviously won't apply to females on this forum because they have more about them) but 99.9% of women I come across are only interested in coronation street, shoes, x factor, shite music, doting on arseholes and talking about themselves.

Bitter, Ely?
A few pints should help …
wow ely, you are going to get it next time you open your hives, there all girls and would not want them to know
Coo....Ely...who do you mix with?....gotta up your game man.....get out more must only know last years women.....this years women are where it's at!
Well sorry if this sounds sexist (obviously won't apply to females on this forum because they have more about them) but 99.9% of women I come across are only interested in coronation street, shoes, x factor, shite music, doting on arseholes and talking about themselves.

Ely glad I fall into the "more about them" category.
Don't watch any soaps never have, not bothered by shoes prefer boots, what is X factor? Don't talk about myself to busy talking about bees.
Have a good partnership with hubby, and the kids are old enough that if I'm busy they can sort themselves out. Work full time plus running my own business's from home. This gives me the freedom to see the bees during the day when the weather conditions are best for them. I can just work late into the night (while surfing the forum:) ).
Male/female does it really matter, in the eyes of beekeeping and god we are all the same
Male/female does it really matter, in the eyes of beekeeping and god we are all the same

Racking my brain to think which god you might have in mind!
As far as I can recall, most were said to be pretty keen on the difference … :)
28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Good enough !
Zzzzzzzz eerrrmmm what? What?

Hey, JBM, now that we're about to have women bishops, (thank God) I reckon there'll be a cull of those of us left droning on!
(See what I did there?)

We mustn't be selfish. It's about time we let the fair sex take the lead in screwing up the world. They may not be as effective as the blokes have been, but I reckon the mistakes will be much more subtle and equally amusing!


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