You have to understand that all bees can fly after a few days of emergence. In a colony that has developed laying workers there is usually no brood and no very young bees so all bees would have gone out and oriented.
The term 'nurse bee' can be a bit disingenuous, it doesn't mean they haven't been out of the hive, and it definitely doesn't mean they are the ones guilty of laying eggs.
If you leave anything behind - the hive stand say, the bees you've shaken out will just cluster there wondering where the hive has gone, quickly joined by all the foragers - by taking everything away they will all just scout around and on seeing another colony will beg their way in there.
Most workers lay at some point, it's just the colony polices the situation and gets rid of the eggs. They only leave them out of desperation when they lose a queen. As soon as these 'laying' workers beg their way into other hives the presence of a queen will suppress their desire to lay and an active dealing with any worker eggs by the colony will deal with others.