Do not worry much, you won`t succeed in it, my friend
I`m a hopeless dreamer.
I`m pretty sure that the official representatives of the Arnia would give you much more comprehensive and competent reply. Why would not ask them directly?
But if you are interested in my view, here it is:
Pest is mainly a winter problem. How many beeks may detect pest presence in the hive in winter?
While if you see a sudden and suspicious drop of temperature under crown board (as sensor indicates), that gives you a clear signal: go and check what the situation is. Whether it`s because of a nest shrinking due to pest, or desies; or it`s just a beginning of a normal broodless period.
As to pests, a strong colony and a height of an entrance = < 8mm seems to be enough factors to prevent this.
sacbrood/chalk brood mostly refers to cold and dump in the hive. If space is too big while a cluster is too small, - give them a dummy board, - it`ll give them a better chance to survive me think. Again, sensor under crown board should give you a clue.
efb/afb …Well, any disease should lead to a brood shrinking, that inevitably will lead to lowering temperature and raising humidity in the hive, been a signal for inspection.
You do not check mites every week, do not you? In my practice I will obey a common sense rule. If there is a significant load of the might in a given season, I`ll treat them twice : thymol in autumn and oxalic in winter. If load in autumn is minimal – thymol should suffice.
It leads to small colony. Low temp, high hum.,->assess->get rid of Quinn
No need for a full inspection. Good temps and humidity for a prolonged period of time->lift a crown board. No space -> add super-> make note -> done.
No nice and steady rise of temp under a crown board->no good brood rearing-> go and check. Always keep an eye on the suspicious hives, sick hives, hives with new queens. Computer won`t do a job instead of you (at least in a [FONT="]foreseeable future).It only helps with your proper time management…And leave alone the hives developing well, just let them grow… That`s how I see it. [/FONT]
[FONT="]Ogh…And I do not know much about role of a noise sensor yet( exept the been discussed)… [/FONT]
Disclaimer: the whole text above is a pure theory came out of my poor head , based on a total lack of a relevant information and never had a chance to be checked in
my practice
Thank you for understanding