Land Rovers...

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Ideal for the pot holes on road! never mind off road. Sorry, must stay calm..
I had this a few years ago... maybe a little OTT for beekeeping (unless on an industrial scale)

it had a Ford 4.2 flathead engine and could carry 3.5 Tons and tow a HumVee up a 60 degree incline.

The vehicles are cheap, but running costs were not good. 13mpg on a good run. when fuel was 90p a litre, using £70 worth of fuel in an afternoon was common.
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I do about 14,000 miles per year. 4,000 of which is over heavy Oxfordshire clay soil. It is the clay soil that is causing the problem, particularly with our wet summers.

4000 miles across fields? Wow. Defender. Series would kill you. I'd get something sane for normal driving. Land Rovers are great, but I wouldn't want to do 200 miles in one regularly.
4000 miles across fields? Wow. Defender. Series would kill you. I'd get something sane for normal driving. Land Rovers are great, but I wouldn't want to do 200 miles in one regularly.
Like a Freelander :toetap05:
Does the freelander have a low transfer box or is just Haldex?
Had a freelander top of the range limited edition ect,kept it 12 months,after hearing enough horror stories, sold it 3 months ago,pleasure car,not what i class as a landrover.
Best landrover i had was an old series one 2 litre sidevalve,followed by a series 2A,followed by a landrover 101 forward control (rapid misile launcher in a previous life,then a hive transporter,to expensive to run.) have had several toyota hi lux's since the proper landrover days and love them,combined with good ifor williams trailers.
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Does the freelander have a low transfer box or is just Haldex?

it has got a intermediate reduction unit and a haldex type viscous rubber limited slip coupling drive to rear wheels becasue the front wheels rotate faster than the rear,

otherwise known as meccano set and a large elastic band,

my wife has the td4 freelander, worked well in the snow but the viscous coupling has now failed ( ouch!!!)
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> Rapid misile launcher in a previous life,then a hive transporter,to expensive to run..

I thought about one of those Rapier missile transporters. Got an idea of how thirsty they were and abandoned the idea. Apparently they've got a low compression v8 (so petrol of just about any grade can be used) however they apparently only do 14mpg!
Yes,101 v8 petrol guzzler,with the one i had you would be lucky to get 8or9 miles per gallon,very painful on the left foot,and pocket.
Since you lot like Land Rover "porn" hears a pic to get you going!

PS its a V8 as well:hat: + trailer in background for shifting hives/supers.

I used to have a 54plate hilux at my last job , used to haul a couple of ton of stone out of fields most days never got it stuck , was handy with the crew cab for the dogs to , but i do love landys .. i was given one to use on a farm i was dykeing at ... loved it