I have something similar except the hole is in the floor above the omf and is plugged with a bit of dowel.
Now that is an excellent idea. Why didn't I think of that ? Is that incorporated into a homemade OMF system ?
I have something similar except the hole is in the floor above the omf and is plugged with a bit of dowel.
Now that is an excellent idea. Why didn't I think of that ? Is that incorporated into a homemade OMF system ?
All I have done is added a shallow strip to deepen the floor above the omf where needed. Half my floors have underfloor entrances so I just make them deep enough above the mesh. I’ll get a picture up later
Still very few varroa in all colonies apart from this one on double has had three vapes upto now with little mite drop so I put the Apitraz strips in the inspection tray is full of dead varroa..i am wondering if vaping is not as effective on big colonies on double brood.
Amitraz strips of any kind are not fast acting. What you have seen is a decent vape drop.
I suspect your queen had just recently laid up a few frames and they all emerged at about the same time.
If you’re vaping double brood you need to use more oxalic, that’s all.
Next time you do it take the roof off and look through the crownboard to see if vapour gets up there.
Even so the bees will pick up oxalic crystals from the rest of the hive and from their sisters as they move about anyway