Just how much foundation is enough?

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Queen Bee
Sep 27, 2010
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Probably about 5/6 at the moment
Whether or not I get any foundation through a bulk order, I still need to work out how much of the stuff I may need.

It is my first full year, so I have no super comb drawn, nor any spare brood comb. I have sufficent foundation to make up 10 super frames and the same of brood, but clearly I will need to get more super combs drawn ASAP.

I would also like to develop a nuc or split if the colony I have turns out to be strong enough. I also have an old hive I am going to clean up, ditching the super comb and leaving as a bait in a different area in case I get a sniff of a swarm. I didn't think I could I get away with foundation in a bait hive, so that adds to the calculation.

So, given my position, are you able to advice how much I should look at ordering to ensure I have a good chance of having enough without having too much excess, as storage at home is an issue.
From a similar position as you last year, I think you'll want, as a minimum, sufficient foundation for

At least another brood box, on hand for if/when you need to do an AS
2 more supers
Sheets for the nuc
One or two spare

If not splitting then you'll have sufficient for your bait hive, if you do split then you'll need more (and another BB, and more supers etc)

Depending on how your supers survive the first harvest -assuming OSR in the vicinity - then you may need yet more, but will have plenty of time to replace before the end of summer.

So probably 20xDN and 25xSN as a minimum to start with
One option for you.

T***ne's now sell in their foundation making section.

Plastic Foundation, Beeswax coated, BS Deep, per sheet

Plastic Foundation, Beeswax coated, BS Shallow, per sheet

I bought 20 BS Deep and intend to use them this year when I shook swarm two colonies early spring. They fit in the frames nicely although the ones I bought are not pre-coated in wax...
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Mike , thats an interesting point . I was under the impression that you had to coat it with wax yourself . But thornes seem to be suggesting on their site that it is pre coated . Have you asked them the question about whether it comes naked or coated ?
Sorry bit off topic .
To me normal hive is 2 langstroth brood + 4 -5 medium supers

further more I need at least one box foundations to make false swarm to stop swarming.

If the hive have wintered in one box, it will need that space next summer.

If you have one brood and super combs in spring. Let te bees build up those without excluder.
They need space but they do not yet forage honey into combs to be extracted.

Keep spare foundations and frames that you will not go into troubles. the box you may make from what ever in urgent need.
Why the hive needs a lot of space. If it is full, it becomes lazy, swarming fever arises and if you are lucky, half of your bees escape.

Foundations do not stop swarming if the hive has queen cells. Only false swarm do it and they draw quickly the foundations.

Hive is ready to draw foundations if it has a good flow.
Think about the end of the season and where you might be - at best.

Work back from that and add in a bit for losses, mishaps, underestimates or whatever. At least round it up (packs of ten) and add a spare pack. It will keep and had you got it already you might have saved yourself about 7% - a good interest rate at the present time!

How much I use foundation for existing old hive after year?

i have not calculated but maybe 20 new per hive.

Brood combs become dark, plenty of frames will be ruined during winter, in exrackting new combs will collaps and accidents happen

i use to keep 2 years store because car driving to the foundation maker is expencive job.
I take my old wax and he presseS them to foundation 3 euros per kilo.
Kilo is 10 langstroth foundations.
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