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One oldie I remembered recently:

News reporter came to one village to make some documentary about a day in life of a farmer.
They started filming and news reporter ask a farmer: " Please, tell us how looks like one working day on a farm?"
Farmer started to talk: " First thing when I get up, I drink one schnapps and feed the livestock. After that I drink another one schnapps, wife makes breakfast and after it I drink one schnapps again..."
Reporter interrupted a farmer: " Stop! Stop! This show will watch teenagers and little kids also, You cannot say that You drink schnapps!"
Farmer: " Well, what should I say?"
Reporter: " Well, for example - when I get up in the morning, first I read one book..."
Farmer says: " Ok. First thing when I get up, I read one book and feed the livestock. After that I read another one book, wife makes breakfast and after it I read one book again... Then I go in the fields with my godfather, and he brings in his bag books. Till the lunch time we read each few books. During the afternoon usually we read all the books he brought, so we return to the village into village library. There we read the books till the end of working hour of the library. Then librarian Mary throw us out and we go to my brother in law. He has in his cellar printing shop and we read till we drop.."