What do i need to do now to get these bees off to the best start?
OK, feed for a few days, possibly. Just as long as it takes to find exactly what you have.
If there is a strong flow, there is little point in feeding. You should know that from your other colonies, even now.
In a weeks time you will know whether it was a prime or a cast. Could make a considerable difference. Either way you might want to consider requeening with a young mated queen. Prime - she has swarmed and may be superceded before the winter, or may be old and fail during the winter; cast - she may not be laying for two or more weeks and you have no idea of her traits (at least the queen from a prime swarm was a satisfacrory queen).
So, not much different than your other colonies - like are you feeding them at this present time?
Some are claiming a super of honey in around a week. With no brood as yet, your bees could easily be filling the brood with stores and young brood by the end of a week, if a strong prime and a good flow! May not as well, so it is down to you in you locale with your bees to assess and then ask questions.
Remember a kilo of wax (little or none to draw in your case, so you might even want to put on a super to get some drawn comb) is equivalent to anywhere between 5 and 15 kilos of honey and that the swarm is made up from all ages, but the very youngest, of flying bees and not all will be foragers just yet.