Willowherb is up over waist height, some flower heads beginning to form.
Willowherb is up over waist height, some flower heads beginning to form.
Well this is turning out to be a bumper year for honey. The first time I've needed to extract at the end of the so called June gap as I've run out of supers. All suoers on all colonies are jam packed such that I can't remove more than a couple at a time as I've no empty supers to put back to give them space.
The lime & bramble must have really delivered and the privet is still around.
No rest for the wicked as I see the first ghost bees from the Balsam and the willow herb's been about for a few weeks. Decided to change tactics this year and extract more regularly in small batches of 10 supers which should keep on top of the honey flow.
Now that bramble and privet pretty much over, i'm not sure what much else we have in London for July and August...
If it's out there within flying range the bee will find it
While some of you have been enjoying a seemingly bumper June.....none...and I mean NONE..of any of our apiaries, wherever in the UK...have had anything other than a really hungry June, even when the weather was warm..even hot.
Large colonies...warm weather...Blackberry, clover, limes..all in flower. What did they bring in? A bit of honeydew, nothing else. These three important flowers have all failed to yield properly this season except in the odd sporadic place.
Murray, how is the Ling shaping up? Does it look like it will come in early? Everything my bees forage on has been around 3 weeks early this year.
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