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Aug 4, 2011
Reaction score
Levenshulme, Manchester UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 - and steward of 8 others.
Has anyone else noticed that Jenkinsbrynmair isn't on the Forum today?

Last post was last night.

Do you think this sea-based servant of HM QEII might be Somewhere Else, undertaking Certain Duties?

Suppose if he told us all, he'd have to pour petrol or washing up liquid over us all!

Oh, is there something special going on then?:D

Nothing happened down the allotment today. Nor at the restaurant when we went out afterwards. What's happened?
I checked on a couple of hives - queen went despite what was, I thought, a standard AS - must have done something wrong!
Taxi'ed some of my kids to and from Saturday jobs, made lunch and sympathised with the post exam kids... walked the dog....picked 2 bags of oak leaves which are now on step 2 of oak leaf wine....chatted a bit... made tea... sympathised with the other half about her day at work...
I spotted the odd union jack on my travels but nothing untoward... thought briefly that I actually quite respect the queen for what she has achieved, which is pretty impressive but, as usual, ended up wondering why the 1000 richest people in the UK, of which she is a fairly substantial member, have become 30 billion richer than they collectively were over the last year, when I certainly haven't.
As I ntold Redwood in a PM:
'Funnily enough being the service with the longest history of serving the crown - Customs duties started with king Offa my service officially started with Charles 2 to raise money to form a Royal Navy (our warrant was signed some 2 years before the RN so we are the senior service) and the navy adopted our original uniform not vice versa.
At 430 this morning however we were sailing at full speed in thick fog to intercept a suspected smuggler.' (which then turned out to be malicious info)

Unfortunately since they trashed our commissions and swapped our gold braid for silver we're not much in demand on cake and a*se do's these days!
But I'm not bitter!:D
Walked the dog....picked 2 bags of oak leaves which are now on step 2 of oak leaf wine....chatted a bit...

Oak Leaf Wine? ! ? ! ?????

What's that to celebrate?

How many bottles do you get from two bags of leaves?
:biggrinjester:no its because charles the second did not do pensions, the poor sods have to keep going:biggrinjester:

Bit like now really!

Blimey you must be a good age!

not worthy

O.k. bad English there i suppose (well it is my second language!) let's just say the part of the service in which I serve can trace its origins back to King Charles 2 :D
But more importantly - oakleaf wine :drool5: the flavour change with each batch made as the season progresses I found that the autumn batch was particularly efficacious. I haven't made any for a few years now and I've lost the recipe - the person who gave it to me has long passed any chance of passing me the receipt onriver?

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