Japanese Nuclear Power

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Better get stocked up with fuel, candles and wood etc etc as the light will be going of in the UK soon.

Thought the ligts had already gone out,or very nearly...it's called energy saving ligt bulbs..they take hours to warm up,so best to just leave them on 24 hours a day..if you want to see anything in a hurry.
britain gets 40% of all the wind that falls on europe whats stupid is we only use 2% of it........... this anti wind attitude on this website makes me cringe.
this anti wind attitude on this website makes me cringe.

Take it your a baked been lover then...
Nop.... just believe we should use as much clean energy as possible before topping up with coal/gas/nuclear/solar etc....

Hinkley must be rather close to you hivemaker certainly within the exclusion zones they are faced with in japan at the moment?

Is that 2 of those 40, 2% of the total Eurpoean wind or 2% of our share of the wind? Some considerable differences there. I believe we should have more renewables, btw.

Regards, RAB
clean energy

And you realy think the total cycle, (which includes manufaturing transport and running costs) of wind, solar tidal etc are clean? :banghead:

And then they you are all "green" until in comes to NIMBY's

And as for "energy" saving bulbs, you mean the one with so much Mercury in that most councils class then as Hazard waste and will not collect them:banghead: (in the same view as tubes)

But then, I work for a Coal ( Cough) BIOMASS, power station, where I manage the Flue gas desulphurisation plant, which produces nearly 1 million T per annum of Gypsum that would have has to have been mined, nearly 1million T of fly ash for use in the building industry saving reducing the Co2 loading from cement works.

And to cap it off, as a single station, producing nealry 8% of the UK's power
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There is no such thing as free dinner!
Modifying (attenuating the wind will have an effect on weather systems )
The energy produced by each wind turbine moderates the wind patterns !
Like most experiments, the results will only be realised down the line when millions have been spent investing in same .
Quite a few years ago a Lady complained that a newly installed wind turbine had stopped her flour mill working . (known as stealing someones wind in yachting circles.)
John Wilkinson .
Remember the chaos theory . Put in scientific terms 'Every action has a reaction'
And you realy think the total cycle, (which includes manufaturing transport and running costs) of wind, solar tidal etc are clean? :banghead:

No Jim any manufacturing process is not clean. but once built solar and wind produce no nastys and can be 100% recycled after decommissioning, i know which i would rather have thanks
And as for "energy" saving bulbs, you mean the one with so much Mercury in that most councils class then as Hazard waste and will not collect them

Yes, thats the crap bulbs.
Not to say a little radio noise.

So does it need a large tsunami to screw us, or is the Thames Barrage only for a very large event.

Birmingham is looking better by the minute - well the high ground, at least. :)
No Jim any manufacturing process is not clean. but once built solar and wind produce no nastys and can be 100% recycled after decommissioning, i know which i would rather have thanks

they might produce no nastys, but by tge time they have paid their way they are at the end of their life.

A coal station can be 100% reycyled, and what is more green? Building new or making somthing more efficent?

My work removes 90 - 95% so2 and with low sulphus coal this is imroved.

But what do i know! I speak from fact and daily experince not theory
which produces nearly 1 million T per annum of Gypsum

Oh! and where did that come from? Sulphur from the coal, oxygen from the atmosphere and ?? . Oh yes! some calcium carbonate involved in there somewhere.

that would have has to have been mined,

Now where did that calcium carbonate come from if it was not 'mined' (well quarried)?

And what about all that carbon dioxide (displaced from the calcium carbonate)? Where did that go? Oh, up into the atmosphere to add to the infra red catching molecules (which cause global warming).

Well I never. If the coal had not been mined and burned, the chalk/limestone (for the calcium carbonate) would not have to be won either.

Of course the best part of half a million tones of Chalk/limestone or near a quarter million tonnes of carbon dioxide release is chicken feed compared to the carbon dioxide generated by the coal burning. Sorry but 'clean' coal power generation (reduced acid rain) is not that clean at all.

The Earth has gained an equilibrium with that carbon locked away as coal (or limestone) for more than the last 200 million years. The last 200 years has seen man exploit an awful lot of that locked up carbon in the form of coal (and latterly oil). Little wonder if the equilibrium has been upset a tad.

. . . once built solar and wind produce no nastys and can be 100% recycled after decommissioning, i know which i would rather have thanks

Beats me why solar and wind have been chosen, the sun doesn't shine at night or even most days, and the wind can never be guaranteed to blow. Why tidal power wasn't pursued years ago I don't know, the tide is the only thing that is reliable twice a day come what may.
As far as I'm aware, the reason why nuclear power stations are normally built by the sea is to limit the population living in close proximity. A bit of a chilling thought really.
HeadNavigator the answer is storage when its sunny(solar panels don't actually need full sunshine to work even on cloudy days they still produce electricity) or windy we store the surplus power to use at **** times.... we already do this with hydro if it was not for Dinorwig in north wales Millions of homes would suffer from power shortage at **** times.....

er the **** should read P E A K very odd
if everyone had baked beans for tea and a windmill in the bedroom,a tubine down the loo and a catcher for all the hot air being vented.we wouldn't need any of the forementioned apparatus!
two (okay perhaps 3) reasons for coastal location, former two genuine, the third a bonus!

1. endless supply of coolant water
and hence...
2. massive volume in which to rapidly dilute any escaping radioactivity (ok this doesn't prevent local mud/beaches being contaminated but reduces local levels)

3. around 50% less surrounding (potentially occupied) land.

what i don't understand (and perhaps modern reactors have this) is why, unlike oil wells with their blowout preventers) there isn't a failsafe mechanism that when triggered forces all the carbon control rods into the reactor core.
There is no such thing as free dinner!
Modifying (attenuating the wind will have an effect on weather systems )
The energy produced by each wind turbine moderates the wind patterns !
Like most experiments, the results will only be realised down the line when millions have been spent investing in same .
Quite a few years ago a Lady complained that a newly installed wind turbine had stopped her flour mill working . (known as stealing someones wind in yachting circles.)
John Wilkinson .
Remember the chaos theory . Put in scientific terms 'Every action has a reaction'

Just as bad as nuclear energy. If Japan had them they might have fallen on someones head. Wind power is the closest thing we have to a free dinner.

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