IWF Videos

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Queen Bee
BeeKeeping Supporter
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
Bedfordshire, England
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Quite a few
Hivemaker referred to the old IWF videos in another thread and I wondered how many people had seen them.

Here is a link to C1801 "Rearing of queen bees". Its in five parts due to the way Youtube splits up videos into manageable chunks

Part 1 of 5 https://youtu.be/8yN5qM2Et6w?list=PLbr7jvL12x97kFUXXZvRXQ4T8yS5LgDt6
Part 2 of 5 https://youtu.be/huvRlpuQpTw?list=PLbr7jvL12x97kFUXXZvRXQ4T8yS5LgDt6
Part 3 of 5 https://youtu.be/-DuL4ViHXxQ
Part 4 of 5 https://youtu.be/djR1nkCGbK0
Part 5 of 5 https://youtu.be/JX8gSkRHGts

Some of it is a little dated now but its still worth watching
Here's another link

The links to the Heathland videos are no longer available but I found another copy

1 Spring work in a heather skep apiary (E2879) https://youtu.be/k2IjNBbLESY
2 Preparations for the swarming period in a heather skep apiary (E2901) https://youtu.be/k9dl_8tKqBo
3 Work in a heather skep apiary during the prime swarming period (E2946) https://youtu.be/Ux9oL6yfsAY
4 Work in a heather skep apiary during the cast swarming period (E2962) https://youtu.be/GLuZQbj5CPo
5 Summer work during the heather blossom in a skep apiary (E2994) https://youtu.be/tcA2wQuUnVk
6 Autumn work in a heather skep apiary (E27990) https://youtu.be/pozwoU0FKuM
7 Harvest of a heather skep apiary (E2802) https://youtu.be/yIfhM0kNr5o
8 Wax pressing in a traditional apiary (E2661) https://youtu.be/ambkAIFNgYM

These are all interesting from a historic perspective, as is the other one on your list:

Making a skep beehive https://youtu.be/HdiBHVJRb-A?list=PLbr7jvL12x95W1Z7VqQNIwPt1HzlaJPjr
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