It's not a great advert for the flow hive. I've watched a fair bit of it now and mostly what it demonstrates is that the original concept of the flow hive (and as it was advertised in their marketing videos) is far from the truth ...
For all the faffing about Phil Chandler had to do (and the inevitable pissed off bees) it's more trouble than it's worth.
I can see where he's coming from .. he's not a fan of taking a lot of honey off the bees so a couple of frames is probably all he wants and the rest he's giving back to the bees .. but it's obvious that he doesn't have kit that matches the size of the flow hive .. he's going to have gaps everywhere the way he has it set up and it will be interesting to see if nadiring the flow hive frames beneath his brood box and a half works .. it might .. but it rather defeats the object of the contraption in the first place.
The fact that it's all gummed up with propolis, it's a beggar to separate the frames, the bees are in danger of being rolled - perhaps are being rolled - and presumably in a normal flow hive extraction bees are going to get crushed ?
Doesn't really fulfill it's original promise IMHO.